
Common name: Grouper

Scientific name: Mycteroperca

Mycteroperca is a genus of fish in the family Serranidae, commonly known as groupers. These fish are popular in the aquarium trade for their impressive size and striking appearance. They are characterized by robust bodies, large mouths, and a mottled or camouflaged coloration that can change to blend with their surroundings. Groupers from this genus are generally not suitable for small aquariums due to their potential size and predatory nature. They require large tanks with plenty of hiding places and a diet of meaty foods. Mycteroperca species are also known for their interesting behavior, including the ability to rapidly change color and patterns for communication and camouflage.

  1. 1 animals-Mycteroperca acutirostris- los roques venezuela
    Common name: Comb grouper
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca acutirostris
  2. big black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci)
    Common name: rockfish
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca bonaci
  3. Yellowmouth grouper swimming undersea
    Common name: rockfish
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca interstitialis
  4. Mycteroperca rosacea (leopard grouper) in the large aquarium is a grouper from the Eastern Central Pacific. It grows to a size of 86 cm in length. Sanya, Hainan, China.
    Common name: Golden grouper
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca rosacea
  5. Caribbean coral garden
    Common name: Gag
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca tigris
  6. Yellowfin grouper
    Common name: rockfish
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca venenosa