Common name: Groupers
Scientific name: Serranidae
The Serranidae family, commonly known as groupers and sea basses, encompasses a diverse group of fish often prized in the reefkeeping hobby for their robust size and striking patterns. These fish are generally hardy and can adapt to life in captivity, but due to their potential size, they require larger aquariums. Many species within this family are also known for their interesting behaviors, including their ability to change sex from female to male as they mature. They are carnivorous, requiring a diet rich in meaty foods, and can be territorial, so careful consideration of tank mates is essential.
- Common name: Red-flushed rock-codScientific name: Aethaloperca rogaa
- Common name: ChernaScientific name: Alphestes afer
- Common name: Swallowtail SeaperchScientific name: Anthias anthias
- Common name: slender grouperScientific name: Anyperodon leucogrammicus
- Common name: Goldstripe groperScientific name: Aulacocephalus temminckii
- Common name: red barbierScientific name: Baldwinella vivanus
- Common name: Arrowhead soapfishScientific name: Belonoperca chabanaudi
- Common name: Orangespotted soapfishScientific name: Belonoperca pylei
- Common name: Peacock grouperScientific name: Cephalopholis argus
- Common name: orange rockcodScientific name: Cephalopholis aurantia
- Common name: Chocolate hindScientific name: Cephalopholis boenak
- Common name: graysbyScientific name: Cephalopholis cruentata
- Common name: bluespotted rockcodScientific name: Cephalopholis cyanostigma
- Common name: bluelined hindScientific name: Cephalopholis formosa
- Common name: ConeyScientific name: Cephalopholis fulva
- Common name: halfspotted grouperScientific name: Cephalopholis hemistiktos
- Common name: GrouperScientific name: Cephalopholis igarashiensis
- Common name: Leopard grouperScientific name: Cephalopholis leopardus
- Common name: Dothead rockcodScientific name: Cephalopholis microprion
- Common name: Coral grouperScientific name: Cephalopholis miniata
- Common name: Orange-spotted sea perchScientific name: Cephalopholis nigri
- Common name: roughcheek hindScientific name: Cephalopholis oligosticta
- Common name: Pacific graysbyScientific name: Cephalopholis panamensis
- Common name: Blue-lined grouperScientific name: Cephalopholis polleni
- Common name: Six-spotted rockcodScientific name: Cephalopholis sexmaculata
- Common name: tomato hindScientific name: Cephalopholis sonnerati
- Common name: Orange-red pigmy grouperScientific name: Cephalopholis spiloparaea
- Common name: darkfinned coralcodScientific name: Cephalopholis urodeta
- Common name: Threadnose AnthiasScientific name: Choranthias tenuis
- Common name: humpback grouperScientific name: Cromileptes altivelis
- Common name: leather bassScientific name: Dermatolepis dermatolepis
- Common name: Smooth rockcodScientific name: Dermatolepis striolata
- Common name: Barred soapfishScientific name: Diploprion bifasciatum
- Common name: Yellowfin soapfishScientific name: Diploprion drachi
- Common name: Rock codScientific name: Epinephelus adscensionis
- Common name: GrouperScientific name: Epinephelus aeneus
- Common name: Aroelated grouperScientific name: Epinephelus areolatus
- Common name: Yellow GrouperScientific name: Epinephelus awoara
- Common name: palemargin grouperScientific name: Epinephelus bontoides
- Common name: dogtooth grouperScientific name: Epinephelus caninus
- Common name: Brownspotted grouperScientific name: Epinephelus chlorostigma
- Common name: GrouperScientific name: Epinephelus clippertonensis
- Common name: Whitespotted grouperScientific name: Epinephelus coeruleopunctatus
- Common name: rockcodScientific name: Epinephelus coioides
- Common name: Coral grouperScientific name: Epinephelus corallicola
- Common name: Goldblotch GrouperScientific name: Epinephelus costae
- Common name: Yellowfin grouperScientific name: Epinephelus cyanopodus
- Common name: spotted black grouperScientific name: Epinephelus daemelii
- Common name: Blacktip grouperScientific name: Epinephelus fasciatus
- Common name: Yellowtail rockcodScientific name: Epinephelus flavocaeruleus
- Common name: brown-marbled grouperScientific name: Epinephelus fuscoguttatus
- Common name: Gabriella's grouperScientific name: Epinephelus gabriellae
- Common name: DeadyScientific name: Epinephelus guttatus
- Common name: Hexagon rockcodScientific name: Epinephelus hexagonatus
- Common name: Howland island rock codScientific name: Epinephelus howlandi
- Common name: Atlantic goliath grouperScientific name: Epinephelus itajara
- Common name: Giant GrouperScientific name: Epinephelus lanceolatus
- Common name: highfin grouperScientific name: Epinephelus maculatus
- Common name: Malabar grouperScientific name: Epinephelus malabaricus
- Common name: Yellowbelly rockcodScientific name: Epinephelus marginatus
- Common name: honeycomb grouperScientific name: Epinephelus merra
- Common name: Red grouperScientific name: Epinephelus morio
- Common name: Comet GrouperScientific name: Epinephelus morrhua
- Common name: rockcodScientific name: Epinephelus multinotatus
- Common name: white-streaked grouperScientific name: Epinephelus ongus
- Common name: Camouflage grouperScientific name: Epinephelus polyphekadion
- Common name: longfin grouperScientific name: Epinephelus quoyanus
- Common name: Oblique-banded rockcodScientific name: Epinephelus radiatus
- Common name: Chinaman rockcodScientific name: Epinephelus rivulatus
- Common name: Sixbar rockcodScientific name: Epinephelus sexfasciatus
- Common name: surge grouperScientific name: Epinephelus socialis
- Common name: epaulet grouperScientific name: Epinephelus stoliczkae
- Common name: Nassau grouperScientific name: Epinephelus striatus
- Common name: Summan grouperScientific name: Epinephelus summana
- Common name: Estuary grouperScientific name: Epinephelus tauvina
- Common name: potato codScientific name: Epinephelus tukula
- Common name: Rock codScientific name: Epinephelus undulosus
- Common name: Spanish flagScientific name: Gonioplectrus hispanus
- Common name: Masked GrouperScientific name: Gracila albomarginata
- Common name: Sixline soapfishScientific name: Grammistes sexlineatus
- Common name: Yellow-belly hamletScientific name: Hypoplectrus aberrans
- Common name: SheepheadScientific name: Hypoplectrus chlorurus
- Common name: Blue hamletScientific name: Hypoplectrus gemma
- Common name: Shy hamletScientific name: Hypoplectrus guttavarius
- Common name: Indigo hamletScientific name: Hypoplectrus indigo
- Common name: Black hamletScientific name: Hypoplectrus nigricans
- Common name: Barred hamletScientific name: Hypoplectrus puella
- Common name: Bad lucksScientific name: Hypoplectrus unicolor
- Common name: Hawaiian grouperScientific name: Hyporthodus quernus
- Common name: African bassletScientific name: Liopropoma africanum
- Common name: Yellowmargin bassletScientific name: Liopropoma aurora
- Common name: candy bassletScientific name: Liopropoma carmabi
- Common name: wrasse bassScientific name: Liopropoma eukrines
- Common name: Wrasse ass bassScientific name: Liopropoma fasciatum
- Common name: Pinstriped bassletScientific name: Liopropoma mitratum
- Common name: Harlequin BassScientific name: Liopropoma mowbrayi
- Common name: Yellow reef bassletScientific name: Liopropoma multilineatum
- Common name: Peppermint BassletScientific name: Liopropoma rubre
- Common name: Striped bassletScientific name: Liopropoma susumi
- Common name: Swales' bassletScientific name: Liopropoma swalesi
- Common name: Earle's SplitfinScientific name: Luzonichthys earlei
- Common name: Striped SplitfinScientific name: Luzonichthys taeniatus
- Common name: Waite's SplitfinScientific name: Luzonichthys waitei
- Common name: Whitley's SplitfinScientific name: Luzonichthys whitleyi
- Common name: Comb grouperScientific name: Mycteroperca acutirostris
- Common name: rockfishScientific name: Mycteroperca bonaci
- Common name: rockfishScientific name: Mycteroperca interstitialis
- Common name: Golden grouperScientific name: Mycteroperca rosacea
- Common name: GagScientific name: Mycteroperca tigris
- Common name: rockfishScientific name: Mycteroperca venenosa
- Common name: Threadfin AnthiasScientific name: Nemanthias carberryi
- Common name: Borbonius AnthiasScientific name: Odontanthias borbonius
- Common name: Hawaiian Yellow AnthiasScientific name: Odontanthias fuscipinnis
- Common name: Pacific CreolefishScientific name: Paranthias colonus
- Common name: Atlantic CreolefishScientific name: Paranthias furcifer
- Common name: Fourmanoir's PerchletScientific name: Plectranthias fourmanoiri
- Common name: Gardiner's AnthiasScientific name: Plectranthias gardineri
- Common name: Helena AnthiasScientific name: Plectranthias helenae
- Common name: Red blotched perchletScientific name: Plectranthias inermis
- Common name: SilverspotsScientific name: Plectranthias longimanus