
Common name: Groupers

Scientific name: Serranidae

The Serranidae family, commonly known as groupers and sea basses, encompasses a diverse group of fish often prized in the reefkeeping hobby for their robust size and striking patterns. These fish are generally hardy and can adapt to life in captivity, but due to their potential size, they require larger aquariums. Many species within this family are also known for their interesting behaviors, including their ability to change sex from female to male as they mature. They are carnivorous, requiring a diet rich in meaty foods, and can be territorial, so careful consideration of tank mates is essential.

  1. Redmouth grouper
    Common name: Red-flushed rock-cod
    Scientific name: Aethaloperca rogaa
  2. Atlantic wreckfish (Polyprion americanus).
    Common name: Cherna
    Scientific name: Alphestes afer
  3. Swallowtail Seaperch (Anthias anthias)
    Common name: Swallowtail Seaperch
    Scientific name: Anthias anthias
  4. Slender grouper, Anyperodon leucogrammicus, Raja Ampat Indonesia.
    Common name: slender grouper
    Scientific name: Anyperodon leucogrammicus
  5. Common name: Goldstripe groper
    Scientific name: Aulacocephalus temminckii
  6. Common name: red barbier
    Scientific name: Baldwinella vivanus
  7. Common name: Arrowhead soapfish
    Scientific name: Belonoperca chabanaudi
  8. Common name: Orangespotted soapfish
    Scientific name: Belonoperca pylei
  9. Peacock grouper off coast of Bonaire
    Common name: Peacock grouper
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis argus
  10. Colorful Coral Grouper on a tropical coral reef system in Thailand
    Common name: orange rockcod
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis aurantia
  11. A Chocolate Grouper (Cephalopholis boenak)
    Common name: Chocolate hind
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis boenak
  12. Caribbean Graysby swimming near the coral reef
    Common name: graysby
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis cruentata
  13. bluespotted grouper fish head
    Common name: bluespotted rockcod
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis cyanostigma
  14. Blue Line Grouper, Cephalopholis Formosa closeup
    Common name: bluelined hind
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis formosa
  15. coney,Cephalopholis fulva
    Common name: Coney
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis fulva
  16. Halfspotted grouper (cephalopholis hemistiktos)
    Common name: halfspotted grouper
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis hemistiktos
  17. シマハタの幼魚
    Common name: Grouper
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis igarashiensis
  18. Leopard grouper, Cephalopholis leopardus, Sulawesi Indonesia.
    Common name: Leopard grouper
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis leopardus
  19. Freckled grouper (Cephalopholis microprion), Sulawesi, Indonesia
    Common name: Dothead rockcod
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis microprion
  20. Coral Grouper, Coral Rock Cod, Cephalopholis miniata, Coral Reef, North Ari Atoll, Maldives, Indian Ocean, Asia
    Common name: Coral grouper
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis miniata
  21. Common name: Orange-spotted sea perch
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis nigri
  22. Common name: roughcheek hind
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis oligosticta
  23. Common name: Pacific graysby
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis panamensis
  24. Blue-lined Grouper
    Common name: Blue-lined grouper
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis polleni
  25. Saddle grouper, Cephalopholis sexmaculata, Raja Ampat Indonesia.
    Common name: Six-spotted rockcod
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis sexmaculata
  26. Tomato hind or Tomato grouper.  Science name: Cephalopholis sonnerati (Valenciennes, 1828) Kushimoto, Wakayama, Japan
    Common name: tomato hind
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis sonnerati
  27. Red Hind Grouper (Epinephelus guttatus), on the Reefs of Bonaire
    Common name: Orange-red pigmy grouper
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis spiloparaea
  28. ニジハタ
    Common name: darkfinned coralcod
    Scientific name: Cephalopholis urodeta
  29. Common name: Threadnose Anthias
    Scientific name: Choranthias tenuis
  30. Barramundi - Humpback Grouper - Cromileptes altivelis. Underwater life of Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia.
    Common name: humpback grouper
    Scientific name: Cromileptes altivelis
  31. Young leatherbass, Dermatolepis dermatolepis, hiding in sea urchins, Diadema spp, Revillagigedo Islands, Roca Partida, Mexico
    Common name: leather bass
    Scientific name: Dermatolepis dermatolepis
  32. Common name: Smooth rockcod
    Scientific name: Dermatolepis striolata
  33. Two-banded soapfish, Diploprion bifasciatum, Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia
    Common name: Barred soapfish
    Scientific name: Diploprion bifasciatum
  34. Common name: Yellowfin soapfish
    Scientific name: Diploprion drachi
  35. Rock Hind Grouper at cleaning station
    Common name: Rock cod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus adscensionis
  36. An underwater photo of 2 white groupers (epinephelus aeneus)
    Common name: Grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus aeneus
  37. オオモンハタ
    Common name: Aroelated grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus areolatus
  38. Common name: Yellow Grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus awoara
  39. Common name: palemargin grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus bontoides
  40. Common name: dogtooth grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus caninus
  41. Brown spotted grouper
    Common name: Brownspotted grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus chlorostigma
  42. Medes Islands grouper
    Common name: Grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus clippertonensis
  43. Whitespotted grouper (Epinephelus coeruleopunctatus), in Maldives
    Common name: Whitespotted grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus coeruleopunctatus
  44. Yelloweyecod
    Common name: rockcod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus coioides
  45. Coral grouper with a dark and blue spot
    Common name: Coral grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus corallicola
  46. Goldblotch Grouper (Epinephelus costae)
    Common name: Goldblotch Grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus costae
  47. Yellowfin grouper
    Common name: Yellowfin grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus cyanopodus
  48. Common name: spotted black grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus daemelii
  49. A Blacktip Grouper (Epinephelus fasciatus) in the Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Blacktip grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus fasciatus
  50. Blue-and-yellow grouper (Epinephelus flavocaeruleus).
    Common name: Yellowtail rockcod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus flavocaeruleus
  51. Brown marbled grouper, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus, Komodo Indonesia.
    Common name: brown-marbled grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus fuscoguttatus
  52. A Gabriella's Grouper (Epinephelus gabriellae) in the Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Gabriella's grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus gabriellae
  53. Red Hind (Epinephelus guttatus) - Roatan
    Common name: Deady
    Scientific name: Epinephelus guttatus
  54. Common name: Hexagon rockcod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus hexagonatus
  55. Common name: Howland island rock cod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus howlandi
  56. A large Goliath Grouper, Epinephelus itajara, an endangered species underwater off the Florida Keys
    Common name: Atlantic goliath grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus itajara
  57. A giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus), also known as the Queensland grouper, brindle grouper or mottled-brown sea bass, swimming underwater
    Common name: Giant Grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus lanceolatus
  58. Highfin grouper
    Common name: highfin grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus maculatus
  59. Malabar grouper, Epinephelus malabaricus, Raja Ampat Indonesia.
    Common name: Malabar grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus malabaricus
  60. Dusky Mediterranean grouper - Epinephelus marginatus from Cyprus
    Common name: Yellowbelly rockcod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus marginatus
  61. Honeycomb Grouper - Epinephelus merra
    Common name: honeycomb grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus merra
  62. The red grouper, or Epinephelus morio
    Common name: Red grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus morio
  63. Common name: Comet Grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus morrhua
  64. Emerald Rockcod lay on the stone
    Common name: rockcod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus multinotatus
  65. Epinephelus ongus near the seabed in Raja Ampat. Specklefin grouper during dive in Indonesia. Grouper is hiding under the corals.
    Common name: white-streaked grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus ongus
  66. Camouflage grouper fish (Epinephelus polyphekadion)|石斑魚
    Common name: Camouflage grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus polyphekadion
  67. Epinephelus quoyanus swimming among lush seaweed on seabed
    Common name: longfin grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus quoyanus
  68. Common name: Oblique-banded rockcod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus radiatus
  69. Common name: Chinaman rockcod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus rivulatus
  70. Common name: Sixbar rockcod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus sexfasciatus
  71. peixe garoupa
    Common name: surge grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus socialis
  72. Common name: epaulet grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus stoliczkae
  73. Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) and Red Hind (Epinephelus guttatus) on a coralhead in the Exuma Cays, Bahamas
    Common name: Nassau grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus striatus
  74. Closeup of a black spotted grouper inside a fish tank
    Common name: Summan grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus summana
  75. A Greasy Grouper (Epinephelus tauvina) in the Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Estuary grouper
    Scientific name: Epinephelus tauvina
  76. Giant Potato Cod (Epinephelus tukula) Great Barrier Reef
    Common name: potato cod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus tukula
  77. Common name: Rock cod
    Scientific name: Epinephelus undulosus
  78. Common name: Spanish flag
    Scientific name: Gonioplectrus hispanus
  79. Masked Grouper (Gracila albomarginata)
    Common name: Masked Grouper
    Scientific name: Gracila albomarginata
  80. Sixline Soapfish (Grammistes sexlineatus), Red Sea, Dahab, Egypt, Africa
    Common name: Sixline soapfish
    Scientific name: Grammistes sexlineatus
  81. Common name: Yellow-belly hamlet
    Scientific name: Hypoplectrus aberrans
  82. Scarred male sheephead fish, Anacapa Island, Califronia, USA
    Common name: Sheephead
    Scientific name: Hypoplectrus chlorurus
  83. Juvenile Blue Hamlet, Hypoplectrus gemma
    Common name: Blue hamlet
    Scientific name: Hypoplectrus gemma
  84. Shy Hamlet, Hypoplectrus guttavarius
    Common name: Shy hamlet
    Scientific name: Hypoplectrus guttavarius
  85. Indigo Hamlet (Hypoplectrus indigo)
    Common name: Indigo hamlet
    Scientific name: Hypoplectrus indigo
  86. Black Hamlet, Hypoplectrus nigricans
    Common name: Black hamlet
    Scientific name: Hypoplectrus nigricans
  87. Barred Hamlet, Hypoplectrus puella
    Common name: Barred hamlet
    Scientific name: Hypoplectrus puella
  88. Butter Hamlet fish (Hypoplectrus unicolor), Netherlands Antilles, Caribbean
    Common name: Bad lucks
    Scientific name: Hypoplectrus unicolor
  89. Common name: Hawaiian grouper
    Scientific name: Hyporthodus quernus
  90. Common name: African basslet
    Scientific name: Liopropoma africanum
  91. Common name: Yellowmargin basslet
    Scientific name: Liopropoma aurora
  92. Candy Basslet swimming in the open ocea
    Common name: candy basslet
    Scientific name: Liopropoma carmabi
  93. Asian sheepshead wrasse
    Common name: wrasse bass
    Scientific name: Liopropoma eukrines
  94. Common name: Wrasse ass bass
    Scientific name: Liopropoma fasciatum
  95. Common name: Pinstriped basslet
    Scientific name: Liopropoma mitratum
  96. Harlequin Bass, Serranus tigrinus
    Common name: Harlequin Bass
    Scientific name: Liopropoma mowbrayi
  97. Royal Gramma Basslet (Gramma loreto)
    Common name: Yellow reef basslet
    Scientific name: Liopropoma multilineatum
  98. Common name: Peppermint Basslet
    Scientific name: Liopropoma rubre
  99. Blue banded snapper
    Common name: Striped basslet
    Scientific name: Liopropoma susumi
  100. Common name: Swales' basslet
    Scientific name: Liopropoma swalesi
  101. Earle's Splitfin (Luzonichthys earlei), South Pacific Ocean, Cook Islands
    Common name: Earle's Splitfin
    Scientific name: Luzonichthys earlei
  102. Striped Splitfin (Luzonichthys taeniatus) photographed at Osezaki (-40m)
    Common name: Striped Splitfin
    Scientific name: Luzonichthys taeniatus
  103. Waite's Splitfin (Luzonichthys waitei), Bua, Northern, Fiji
    Common name: Waite's Splitfin
    Scientific name: Luzonichthys waitei
  104. Whitley's Splitfin (Luzonichthys whitleyi), Peleliu, Palau
    Common name: Whitley's Splitfin
    Scientific name: Luzonichthys whitleyi
  105. Mycteroperca acutirostris- los roques venezuela
    Common name: Comb grouper
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca acutirostris
  106. big black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci)
    Common name: rockfish
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca bonaci
  107. Yellowmouth grouper swimming undersea
    Common name: rockfish
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca interstitialis
  108. Mycteroperca rosacea (leopard grouper) in the large aquarium is a grouper from the Eastern Central Pacific. It grows to a size of 86 cm in length. Sanya, Hainan, China.
    Common name: Golden grouper
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca rosacea
  109. Caribbean coral garden
    Common name: Gag
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca tigris
  110. Yellowfin grouper
    Common name: rockfish
    Scientific name: Mycteroperca venenosa
  111. Threadfin Anthias (Nemanthias carberryi), Umkhanyakude, South Africa
    Common name: Threadfin Anthias
    Scientific name: Nemanthias carberryi
  112. Borbonius Anthias (Odontanthias borbonius)
    Common name: Borbonius Anthias
    Scientific name: Odontanthias borbonius
  113. Common name: Hawaiian Yellow Anthias
    Scientific name: Odontanthias fuscipinnis
  114. Pacific Creolefish (Cephalopholis colonus), Galápagos, Ecuador
    Common name: Pacific Creolefish
    Scientific name: Paranthias colonus
  115. Atlantic Creolefish (Paranthias furcifer), North Caroline, USA
    Common name: Atlantic Creolefish
    Scientific name: Paranthias furcifer
  116. Fourmanoir's Perchlet (Plectranthias fourmanoiri)
    Common name: Fourmanoir's Perchlet
    Scientific name: Plectranthias fourmanoiri
  117. Common name: Gardiner's Anthias
    Scientific name: Plectranthias gardineri
  118. Common name: Helena Anthias
    Scientific name: Plectranthias helenae
  119. Common name: Red blotched perchlet
    Scientific name: Plectranthias inermis
  120. Common name: Silverspots
    Scientific name: Plectranthias longimanus