
Common name: Brittle Stars

Scientific name: Ophiothrix

Ophiothrix is a genus of brittle stars commonly found in reef environments. These echinoderms are known for their long, slender arms which they use for locomotion and feeding. They are nocturnal and often hide during the day under rocks or within crevices. Brittle stars are scavengers and detritivores, playing a crucial role in the cleanup crew of a reef aquarium by consuming leftover food and decaying matter. They are generally hardy and can adapt to a range of conditions, making them suitable for many reef tanks. Their fascinating movement and behavior add an interesting dynamic to the tank's ecosystem.

  1. Ophiure piquante - ophiotrix fragilis sorte d'étoile de mer
    Common name: common brittlestar
    Scientific name: Ophiothrix fragilis
  2. Dark red-spined brittle star (Ophiothrix purpurea) on coral, New Britain, Papua New Guinea
    Common name: Purple Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophiothrix purpurea
  3. Ophiothrix suensoni, Suenson's brittle star,sponge brittle star,
    Common name: Sponge brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophiothrix suensoni