
Common name: Brittle Stars

Scientific name: Ophiuroidea

Ophiuroidea, commonly known as brittle stars and basket stars, are a class of echinoderms characterized by their long, slender arms which are distinct from their central disc. These invertebrates are known for their ability to regenerate lost limbs and exhibit fascinating nocturnal behaviors. They play a crucial role in the reef ecosystem as scavengers and detritivores, helping to maintain the cleanliness and balance of the aquarium environment. Brittle stars are generally reef-safe and can be excellent additions to a marine aquarium, where they contribute to the biodiversity and functional complexity of the system.

  1. The amazing and mysterious underwater world of Indonesia, North Sulawesi, Manado, brittlestar
    Common name: brittlestar
    Scientific name: Amphiura filiformis
  2. A giant basket star, Astrophyton muricatum, underwater marine life, Caribbean sea, Mexico
    Common name: Giant Basket Star
    Scientific name: Astrophyton muricatum
  3. Common name: Variable Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Macrophiothrix variabilis
  4. Common name: savigny's brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophiactis savignyi
  5. A Green Brittle Star (Ophiarachna incrassata)
    Common name: Green Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophiarachna affinis
  6. Ophiarachna incrassata on the sand
    Common name: Green Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophiarachna incrassata
  7. Ophiocoma echinata (Spiny ophiocoma). Close-up photograph taken underwater while diving in natural habitat of Brittle Star or Brittle Sea Star. Class Ophiuroidea, Phylum Echinodermata.
    Common name: black brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophiocoma echinata
  8. Common name: banded ophiocoma
    Scientific name: Ophiocoma pumila
  9. Sea sponge
    Common name: Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophiocoma scolopendrina
  10. Sea sponge
    Common name: red ophiocoma
    Scientific name: Ophiocoma wendtii
  11. Common name: harlequin brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophioderma appressa
  12. Common name: Short-spined brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophioderma brevispina
  13. Sea star and sea shells
    Common name: Red Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophioderma phoenia
  14. ruby Brittle star
    Common name: ruby brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophioderma rubicunda
  15. brittle star (Ophiolepis superba) from Philippines isolated on white background
    Common name: Banded Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophiolepis superba
  16. Black Brittle Star Starfish found in Oahu, Hawaii
    Common name: black brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophiomastix variabilis
  17. Common name: slimy brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophiomyxa flaccida
  18. Brittle star
    Common name: Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophionereis porrecta
  19. Fauna of Atlantic ocean around Gran Canaria - Ophioderma longicaudum brittle star isolated on white background
    Common name: Banded Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophionereis schayeri
  20. Ophiure piquante - ophiotrix fragilis sorte d'étoile de mer
    Common name: common brittlestar
    Scientific name: Ophiothrix fragilis
  21. Dark red-spined brittle star (Ophiothrix purpurea) on coral, New Britain, Papua New Guinea
    Common name: Purple Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophiothrix purpurea
  22. Ophiothrix suensoni, Suenson's brittle star,sponge brittle star,
    Common name: Sponge brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophiothrix suensoni
  23. Bright serpent star   (Ophiura albida)
    Common name: Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophiura albida
  24. Common brittlestar,Ophiura ophiura,
    Common name: serpent star
    Scientific name: Ophiura ophiura