
Common name: Sea Squirts

Scientific name: Polycarpa

Polycarpa is a genus of ascidian tunicates commonly known as sea squirts. These sessile creatures are notable for their tough, flexible outer tunic and their ability to filter feed by drawing water through siphons. They are often found attached to substrates in reef environments and can add a unique element to the biodiversity of a home aquarium. Their presence can be beneficial as they help maintain water quality through their filter-feeding habits. However, they require stable water conditions and should be introduced to mature systems.

  1. Polycarpa aurata, also known as the ox heart ascidian, the gold-mouth sea squirt or the ink-spot sea squirt
    Common name: golden sea squirt
    Scientific name: Polycarpa aurata
  2. Ascidian Diversity
    Common name: Giant Tunicate
    Scientific name: Polycarpa contecta
  3. Common name: Polycarpa papillata
    Scientific name: Polycarpa papillata
  4. Ascidia tunicate Polycarpa pigmentata and colonial tunicate Didemnum moseleyi undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sinai, Ras Mohammad national park
    Common name: Inkspot Sea Squirt
    Scientific name: Polycarpa pigmentata