
Common name: Pseudosuberites Sponge

Scientific name: Pseudosuberites

Pseudosuberites is a genus of marine sponges found in various reef environments. These sponges are known for their bright colors and varied shapes, often contributing to the biodiversity and aesthetic appeal of reef aquariums. They can serve as natural filtration systems, as they feed on particulate matter suspended in the water. Pseudosuberites species typically require moderate care, with stable water conditions and low to moderate flow to thrive. They are non-photosynthetic and rely on water flow to deliver their food. Hobbyists should ensure that these sponges are never exposed to air, as this can cause tissue damage.

  1. Hand of an anonymous woman with foam and a yellow sponge
    Common name: Yellow Sponge
    Scientific name: Pseudosuberites andrewsi