
Common name: Birdsnest Coral

Scientific name: Seriatopora

Seriatopora is a genus of small polyp stony corals commonly known as Birdsnest Corals. They are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their intricate, tree-like branching structure and vibrant colors, ranging from pink to yellow-green. These corals are relatively fast-growing and can be a good choice for aquarists looking to add dynamic structure to their reef. They host a variety of symbiotic organisms, including zooxanthellae, which aid in their nutrition through photosynthesis. Birdsnest Corals prefer moderate to high lighting and water flow, and they require stable water conditions to thrive.

  1. Birdnest SPS Coral - Seriatopora caliendrum
    Common name: Bush coral
    Scientific name: Seriatopora caliendrum
  2. Birdsnest sps colorful coral -  Seriatopora sp. (pocilloporidae)
    Common name: Bush coral
    Scientific name: Seriatopora guttatus
  3. organ-pipe coral
    Common name: Bush coral
    Scientific name: Seriatopora hystrix