
Common name: Banded Coral Shrimp

Scientific name: Stenopus

Stenopus is a genus of shrimp found in coral reefs around the world. Known for their striking coloration and banded appearance, species like Stenopus hispidus are popular in the reefkeeping hobby. They are cleaners, picking parasites and dead tissue off fish, and are generally peaceful. However, they may prey on small, slow-moving fish or molted tankmates. They require hiding places and benefit from a varied diet of meaty foods.

  1. Common name: Blue-legged boxer shrimp
    Scientific name: Stenopus cyanoscelis
  2. Camarones stenopus hispidus on the seabed. Ai Generated
    Common name: banded coral shrimp
    Scientific name: Stenopus hispidus
  3. Common name: flameback coral shrimp
    Scientific name: Stenopus pyrsonotus
  4. Close Up Fresh Red Shrimps or prawns on blue box in a Fishermen Market Store Shop.
    Common name: Blue Boxing Shrimp
    Scientific name: Stenopus tenuirostris
  5. Zanzibar whip coral shrimp, Dasycaris zanzibarica
    Common name: Zanzibar Whip Coral Shrimp
    Scientific name: Stenopus zanzibaricus