
Common name: Stonefish

Scientific name: Synanceia

Synanceia is a genus of fish in the family Synanceiidae, known for their venomous spines and excellent camouflage. They are often found in the Indo-Pacific region, blending seamlessly with their surroundings. Stonefish are the most venomous fish in the world, and their sting can be extremely painful and potentially fatal to humans. In the aquarium, they require expert care due to their venomous nature and specific habitat needs. They are not active swimmers and prefer to bury themselves in sandy or rubble substrates, waiting to ambush prey. Their diet consists mainly of live fish and crustaceans.

  1. Madeira rockfish, Scorpaena maderensis
    Common name: Rough stonefish
    Scientific name: Synanceia horrida
  2. A stonefish (Synanceia verrucosa) in marine aquarium
    Common name: Stonefish
    Scientific name: Synanceia verrucosa