
Common name: Pencil Urchin

Scientific name: Verongula

Verongula is a genus of sea urchins commonly known as Pencil Urchins. They are notable for their thick, cylindrical spines that resemble pencils, which provide a unique appearance and are often collected for their aesthetic value. In the reef aquarium, they can serve as a natural form of algae control, grazing on various types of algae and helping to maintain a clean environment. They are generally peaceful and can coexist with a wide variety of tank mates. However, care should be taken to ensure they are not housed with aggressive fish that may attack their spines. Pencil Urchins are nocturnal and may hide during the day, becoming more active at night.

  1. Paddles commonly used in canoes consist of a wooden, fibreglass, carbon fibre or metal rod (the shaft) with a handle on one end and a rigid sheet (the blade) on the other end. Paddles for use in kayak
    Common name: Rigid Sea Rod
    Scientific name: Verongula rigida