
Common name: Sea Hares

Scientific name: Anaspidea

Anaspidea, commonly known as sea hares, are a group of large, marine gastropod mollusks. They are notable for their soft bodies and the presence of a small, flat, internal shell. Sea hares are herbivorous, feeding mainly on algae, which makes them beneficial in controlling algae growth in reef aquariums. They have a unique defense mechanism, releasing a cloud of purple ink when threatened. This order includes species like Aplysia californica, which is often studied for its neurobiology due to its large nerve cells.

  1. A wild California Sea Hare, Aplysia californica, a hermaphroditic species commonly used in laboratory research
    Common name: California seahare
    Scientific name: Aplysia californica
  2. pesci
    Common name: depilatory sea hare
    Scientific name: Aplysia depilans
  3. Aplysia fasciata
    Common name: mottled sea hare
    Scientific name: Aplysia fasciata
  4. Dotted sea-hare (Aplysia punctata) in Mediterranean Sea
    Common name: spotted sea hare
    Scientific name: Aplysia punctata
  5. giant sea hare from bottom eating algea
    Common name: blunt-end sea hare
    Scientific name: Dolabella auricularia
  6. Blue Ring Sea Hare, Stylocheilus longicauda
    Common name: long-tailed sea hare
    Scientific name: Stylocheilus longicauda