
Common name: Calcarea sponges

Scientific name: Leucosolenida

Leucosolenida is an order of calcareous sponges found in marine environments. These sponges are characterized by their calcium carbonate spicules, which provide support and deter predators. They are filter feeders, playing a crucial role in nutrient cycling within reef ecosystems. In the aquarium, they can be fascinating additions, often hosting a variety of microorganisms and contributing to the tank's biological diversity. They require stable water conditions and moderate lighting, and should be placed in areas with good water flow to facilitate feeding.

  1. Leucilla nuttingi, Stalked vase sponge
    Common name: Urn Sponge
    Scientific name: Leucilla nuttingi
  2. Top view of sink drain and hand wearing orange rubber glove
    Common name: orange pipe sponge
    Scientific name: Leucosolenia botryoides
  3. Common name: Leucosolenia complicata
    Scientific name: Leucosolenia complicata
  4. Common name: Leucosolenia eleanor
    Scientific name: Leucosolenia eleanor
  5. the azure vase sponge,
    Common name: Vase Sponge
    Scientific name: Sycon ciliatum