
Common name: Mysid shrimp

Scientific name: Mysida

Mysida, commonly known as mysid or opossum shrimps, are small, shrimp-like crustaceans found in marine and brackish environments. They are an important food source for many fish and invertebrates. In the aquarium, they serve as excellent live food, particularly for finicky eaters or for rearing larval fish. Mysids are also used in reef tanks to establish a natural food chain. They are relatively easy to culture at home, making them a sustainable option for aquarists.

  1. Mysis (zooplankton) under the microscope.
    Common name: Mysis Shrimp
    Scientific name: Mysis relicta
  2. Opossum shrimp swimming underwater in the St. Lawrence River in Canada
    Common name: An opossum shrimp
    Scientific name: Neomysis integer