
Common name: Sea Cucumbers

Scientific name: Pleurogona

Pleurogona, commonly known as sea cucumbers, are echinoderms with elongated bodies and leathery skin. Found in a variety of marine environments, they play a crucial role in nutrient cycling by processing detritus. In reef tanks, they can help maintain a clean substrate but require stable conditions and proper feeding. Some species may release toxins when stressed, so careful selection and handling are important for hobbyists.

  1. Common name: Leach's compound ascidian
    Scientific name: Botryllus leachii
  2. Colorful Mediterranean orange sea sponge in underwater scene
    Common name: Orange Sea Squirt
    Scientific name: Eusynstyela latericius
  3. Common name: Giant pink ascidian
    Scientific name: Herdmania momus
  4. Polycarpa aurata, also known as the ox heart ascidian, the gold-mouth sea squirt or the ink-spot sea squirt
    Common name: golden sea squirt
    Scientific name: Polycarpa aurata
  5. Ascidian Diversity
    Common name: Giant Tunicate
    Scientific name: Polycarpa contecta
  6. Common name: Polycarpa papillata
    Scientific name: Polycarpa papillata
  7. Ascidia tunicate Polycarpa pigmentata and colonial tunicate Didemnum moseleyi undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sinai, Ras Mohammad national park
    Common name: Inkspot Sea Squirt
    Scientific name: Polycarpa pigmentata