

39 species

Pufferfish are a unique and interesting addition to a marine aquarium, known for their ability to inflate when threatened. They belong to the family Tetraodontidae and are characterized by their distinctive body shape, large eyes, and beak-like teeth. Pufferfish require a spacious tank with plenty of hiding spots and a diet rich in variety, including meaty foods and hard-shelled invertebrates to help wear down their ever-growing teeth. Caution is advised when keeping puffers, as they can be aggressive and may nip at slow-moving fish or invertebrates. Additionally, they produce a toxin called tetrodotoxin, which is lethal and serves as a defense mechanism in the wild. Due to their specialized care requirements, pufferfish are recommended for experienced aquarists.

  1. Bluespotted pufferfish, Arothron caeruleopunctatus
    Common name: Blue-spotted puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron caeruleopunctatus
  2. Masked Puffer, Arothron diadematus at Dangerous Reef, St John's
    Common name: Masked puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron diadematus
  3. Common name: Starry toado
    Scientific name: Arothron firmamentum
  4. White-spotted puffer (Arothron hispidus) in an aquarium.
    Common name: White-spotted puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron hispidus
  5. Immaculate puffer
    Common name: Immaculate puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron immaculatus
  6. Striped Puffer Arothron manilensis,
    Common name: Narrow-lined puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron manilensis
  7. A Map Puffer (Arothron mappa)
    Common name: Map puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron mappa
  8. Arothron meleagris fish swimming in water
    Common name: Guineafowl puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron meleagris
  9. Black-spotted Pufferfish (Arothron Nigropunctatus)
    Common name: Blackspotted puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron nigropunctatus
  10. Reticulated pufferfish (Arothron reticularis) in Japan
    Common name: Reticulate blowfish
    Scientific name: Arothron reticularis
  11. Blue tropical ocean with coral reef. White spotted venomous fish - Pufferfish (Stellate puffer, Arothron stellatus). Snorkeling with marine life. Aquatic wildlife, underwater photography.
    Common name: Blackspotted puffer
    Scientific name: Arothron stellatus
  12. Fingerprint Toby Fish in Moalboal, Cebu, Philippines
    Common name: sharpnose-puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster amboinensis
  13. Pair of Whitebelly Toby.
    Common name: Bennett's sharpnose puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster bennetti
  14. Common name: Clown toado
    Scientific name: Canthigaster callisterna
  15. Spitzkopf-Kugelfisch
    Common name: Compressed toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster compressa
  16. Crowned Puffer (Canthigaster coronata) swim over sea grass, Red Sea, Dahab, Egypt, Africa
    Common name: Crowned puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster coronata
  17. Grey-Top Pufferfish Canthigaster cf epilampra
    Common name: Lantern toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster epilampra
  18. Hawaiian Endemic Whitespotted Toby (Canthigaster jactator); Maui, Hawaii, United States of America
    Common name: White-spotted puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster jactator
  19. Honeycomb toby fish (Canthigaster janthinoptera) swimming into it's hiding place.
    Common name: Honeycomb toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster janthinoptera
  20. Common name: Leopard sharpnose puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster leoparda
  21. Canthigaster margaritata
    Common name: Pufferfish
    Scientific name: Canthigaster margaritata
  22. Canthigaster papua
    Common name: Papuan toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster papua
  23. Spotted Sharpnose Puffer
    Common name: Spotted sharpnosed puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster punctatissima
  24. Common name: pPygmy toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster pygmaea
  25. キタマクラ-Canthigaster rivulata
    Common name: Tail-barred pufferfish
    Scientific name: Canthigaster rivulata
  26. Sharpnose Puffer swimming in the Caribbean Sea - Bonaire
    Common name: Sharpnose pufferfish
    Scientific name: Canthigaster rostrata
  27. Common name: Smith's pufferfish
    Scientific name: Canthigaster smithae
  28. Sharpnose puffer
    Common name: Spotted sharpnose
    Scientific name: Canthigaster solandri
  29. Common name: Tyler's toby
    Scientific name: Canthigaster tyleri
  30. Valentine's Sharpnosed Puffer, Canthigaster valentini
    Common name: Valentini Puffer
    Scientific name: Canthigaster valentini
  31. Bridled Burrfish underwater in the Caribbean sea
    Common name: Bridled burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus antennatus
  32. Web Burrfish Swimming Next to a Patch of Coral Reef
    Common name: web burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus antillarum
  33. Diver exploring coral reef with puffer fish in sea
    Common name: Spotfin burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus reticulatus
  34. Close up of a Blowfish swimming in the clear Ocean. Natural Background with beautiful Lighting
    Common name: Striped burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus schoepfii
  35. striped burrfish underwater atlantic ocean fish chilomychterus shoepfii
    Common name: Striped burrfish
    Scientific name: Chilomycterus spinosus
  36. Gelbflecken Igelfisch
    Common name: Spotbase burrfish
    Scientific name: Cyclichthys spilostylus
  37. Balloonfish
    Common name: Long-spined porcupine fish
    Scientific name: Diodon holocanthus
  38. Spot-fin porcupinefish, diodon hystrix, in Maldives
    Common name: Spot-fin porcupinefish
    Scientific name: Diodon hystrix
  39. colorful Black-blotched porcupinefish (diodon liturosus)
    Common name: Black-blotched porcupinefish
    Scientific name: Diodon liturosus