

7 species

Tilefish are a unique and colorful addition to larger marine aquariums. Known for their burrowing behavior, they require a sandy substrate to create their homes. Tilefish are generally peaceful but can be shy, so providing ample hiding places is essential. They thrive in well-oxygenated water with stable conditions and benefit from a varied diet of meaty foods. Due to their size and need for swimming space, they are best suited for tanks of at least 125 gallons. Hobbyists should note that some species can grow quite large and may not be suitable for every community aquarium.

  1. Flashing Tilefish (Hoplolatilus chlupatyi) beautiful marine fish from Indonesia
    Common name: Chameleon sand tilefish
    Scientific name: Hoplolatilus chlupatyi
  2. オキナワサンゴアマダイ
    Common name: Pale sand tilefish
    Scientific name: Hoplolatilus cuniculus
  3. Hoplolatilus fronticinctus
    Common name: Pastel tilefish
    Scientific name: Hoplolatilus fronticinctus
  4. Orange Beautiful Tilefish Isolated on White Transparent Background Isolated on White Transparent Background.
    Common name: Yellow tilefish
    Scientific name: Hoplolatilus luteus
  5. Flashing Tilefish (Hoplolatilus chlupatyi) beautiful marine fish from Indonesia
    Common name: Red-stripe tilefish
    Scientific name: Hoplolatilus marcosi
  6. Collection of purple patterns tiles
    Common name: Purple tilefish
    Scientific name: Hoplolatilus purpureus
  7. Bluehead tilefish (Hoplolatilus starcki) swimming in Reef Tank
    Common name: Starck's tilefish
    Scientific name: Hoplolatilus starcki