
Common name: Hell's Fire Anemones

Scientific name: Actinodendronidae

The Actinodendronidae family, commonly known as Hell's Fire Anemones, includes species that are both fascinating and challenging for reef aquarium hobbyists. These anemones are known for their potent sting, which can be harmful to both humans and tank inhabitants. They possess long, tapering tentacles that resemble the branches of a tree, giving them a unique appearance. While they can be a striking addition to a tank, they require careful handling and an environment that mimics their natural reef habitat, with stable water conditions and ample space to prevent them from stinging other tank residents.

  1. Mossy old tree and windflower in forest
    Common name: tree anemone
    Scientific name: Actinodendron arboreum
  2. blossom in spring
    Common name: Branching anemone
    Scientific name: Actinodendron glomeratum
  3. blossom in spring
    Common name: Branching anemone
    Scientific name: Actinodendron plumosum
  4. Actinostephanus haeckeli - Haeckels Sandanemone
    Common name: Haeckel's Anemone
    Scientific name: Actinostephanus haeckeli