
Common name: Aiptasia Anemones

Scientific name: Aiptasiidae

Aiptasiidae, commonly known as Aiptasia or Glass Anemones, are a family of nuisance anemones often found in saltwater aquariums. They are known for their rapid reproduction and resilience, making them difficult to eradicate once established. Aiptasia can outcompete other sessile organisms for space and resources. They have a symbiotic relationship with certain types of zooxanthellae, which provide them with nutrients through photosynthesis. Hobbyists often use biological controls like peppermint shrimp or nudibranchs to manage Aiptasia populations.

  1. Small glass anemone pest in reef aquarium tank - Exaiptasia or Aiptasia Pallida
    Common name: Trumpet anemone
    Scientific name: Aiptasia mutabilis
  2. Small glass anemone pest in reef aquarium tank - Exaiptasia or Aiptasia Pallida
    Common name: pale anemone
    Scientific name: Aiptasia pallida
  3. Pederson Cleaner Shrimp (Periclimenes pedersoni) in Corkscrew Anomones (Bartholomea annulata)
    Common name: corkscrew anemone
    Scientific name: Bartholomea annulata
  4. Common name: Curlycue Anemone
    Scientific name: Bartholomea lucida