
Common name: Sea Hares

Scientific name: Aplysiidae

Aplysiidae, commonly known as Sea Hares, are a family of large sea slugs found in shallow waters. They are herbivorous, feeding mainly on algae, which makes them beneficial for controlling algae growth in reef aquariums. Sea Hares are known for their unique defense mechanism of releasing a purple ink when threatened. They have a soft, often camouflaged body that can blend with their surroundings. While generally peaceful, they require a large tank with plenty of algae or supplemental feeding to thrive. Their life span in captivity is typically short, around one year.

  1. A wild California Sea Hare, Aplysia californica, a hermaphroditic species commonly used in laboratory research
    Common name: California seahare
    Scientific name: Aplysia californica
  2. pesci
    Common name: depilatory sea hare
    Scientific name: Aplysia depilans
  3. Aplysia fasciata
    Common name: mottled sea hare
    Scientific name: Aplysia fasciata
  4. Dotted sea-hare (Aplysia punctata) in Mediterranean Sea
    Common name: spotted sea hare
    Scientific name: Aplysia punctata
  5. giant sea hare from bottom eating algea
    Common name: blunt-end sea hare
    Scientific name: Dolabella auricularia
  6. Blue Ring Sea Hare, Stylocheilus longicauda
    Common name: long-tailed sea hare
    Scientific name: Stylocheilus longicauda