
Common name: Allied Cowries

Scientific name: Ovulidae

The Ovulidae family, commonly known as allied cowries or false cowries, is a fascinating group of marine gastropods that are closely related to the true cowries (Cypraeidae). These sea snails are known for their smooth, glossy shells that often exhibit beautiful patterns and vibrant colors, making them a popular choice among collectors and marine enthusiasts. Unlike true cowries, ovulids have a more elongated shell shape, which can be an attractive feature in a saltwater aquarium.

In the wild, many ovulids are found in tropical and subtropical waters, often associating with soft corals, gorgonians, and sea fans, where they feed primarily on the host's tissue and mucus. This symbiotic relationship can be both fascinating and challenging for aquarium hobbyists, as it requires careful selection of tank mates and an understanding of the natural behavior and diet of these snails.

For aquarists interested in keeping ovulids, it is essential to replicate their natural habitat as closely as possible. This includes providing ample live rock and coral structures, as well as maintaining pristine water quality with stable parameters. Due to their specialized diet, it may be necessary to introduce compatible soft corals or gorgonians into the aquarium, although this can pose challenges in terms of coral health and sustainability.

Ovulids are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of other marine species, making them suitable for a community reef tank. However, their dietary needs and potential impact on coral health should be carefully considered. Their unique appearance and ecological role make them a captivating addition to any marine aquarium, offering both aesthetic appeal and an opportunity to observe complex marine interactions.

  1. Warty Egg Cowrie (Calpurnus verrucosus)
    Common name: Warty Egg Cowrie
    Scientific name: Calpurnus verrucosus
  2. Flamingo Tongue Snails (Cyphoma gibbosum)
    Common name: Flamingo Tongue Snail
    Scientific name: Cyphoma gibbosum
  3. Common name: Gorgonian Cowrie
    Scientific name: Pseudosimnia juanjosensii