
Common name: Lace Corals

Scientific name: Stylasteridae

Stylasteridae, commonly known as Lace Corals, are a family of hydrozoans that resemble true stony corals. They are distinguished by their delicate, often brightly colored calcareous skeletons. Unlike stony corals, they do not have zooxanthellae and therefore do not rely on light for growth, allowing them to thrive in deeper or shaded reef environments. Lace Corals are not aggressive and can be placed near other peaceful invertebrates in the aquarium. They require moderate water flow and consistent water quality, with specific attention to calcium levels to support their skeletal growth.

  1. Distichophora Violacea - Distichopora Violacea Blue Lace Coral
    Common name: Violet Lace Coral
    Scientific name: Distichopora violacea
  2. Yellowline arrow crab with rose lace corals (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands)
    Common name: Rose Lace Coral
    Scientific name: Stylaster roseus