
Common name: Curlycue anemone family

Scientific name: Thalassianthidae

The Thalassianthidae family, commonly known as the Curlycue anemone family, includes species like the Thalassianthus aster. These anemones are known for their long, curling tentacles and vibrant colors, often hosting a variety of symbiotic organisms, including clownfish. They are a popular choice for reef aquariums due to their striking appearance and the dynamic relationship they can form with tank inhabitants. However, they require stable water conditions and careful placement to avoid damaging other corals with their stinging tentacles.

  1. Porcelain crab on a sea anemone (Mergui archipelago, Myanmar)
    Common name: pizza anemone
    Scientific name: Cryptodendrum adhaesivum
  2. Common name: Hemprich's Sea Anemone
    Scientific name: Heterodactyla hemprichi
  3. Warty Crab,  Red Anemone, Underwater
    Common name: Warty Sea Anemone
    Scientific name: Thalassianthus aster