
Common name: Pizza Anemone

Scientific name: Cryptodendrum

Cryptodendrum, commonly known as the Pizza Anemone or Adhesive Sea Anemone, is a genus of sea anemones that are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their unique appearance and behavior. These anemones are known for their large, flat, and colorful oral discs that resemble a pizza, which is where they get one of their common names. They have a sticky foot that they use to adhere to surfaces and can often be found attaching themselves to rocks or glass in an aquarium. Cryptodendrum species are symbiotic with clownfish, which can take refuge among their tentacles for protection.

  1. Porcelain crab on a sea anemone (Mergui archipelago, Myanmar)
    Common name: pizza anemone
    Scientific name: Cryptodendrum adhaesivum