
Common name: Leucosolenia

Scientific name: Leucosolenia

Leucosolenia is a genus of sponges within the family Leucosoleniidae. These sponges are characterized by their simple, tube-like structure and are often found in shallow waters. In the reef aquarium, they can serve as natural filtration systems, consuming bacteria and particulate matter. They require gentle water flow and low to moderate lighting. Leucosolenia species are non-aggressive and can be a unique addition to a peaceful reef setup, adding diversity and aiding in nutrient control.

  1. Top view of sink drain and hand wearing orange rubber glove
    Common name: orange pipe sponge
    Scientific name: Leucosolenia botryoides
  2. Common name: Leucosolenia complicata
    Scientific name: Leucosolenia complicata
  3. Common name: Leucosolenia eleanor
    Scientific name: Leucosolenia eleanor