
Common name: Brittle Stars

Scientific name: Ophiocoma

Ophiocoma is a genus of brittle stars commonly found in tropical reefs. These echinoderms are known for their distinct central disc and long, slender arms which they use for locomotion and feeding. They are nocturnal and often hide under rocks or within crevices during the day. Ophiocoma species are detritivores, feeding on decaying matter and plankton. They are beneficial to reef tanks as they help in cleaning and nutrient cycling. Some species exhibit biofluorescence, making them visually striking under certain lighting conditions.

  1. Ophiocoma echinata (Spiny ophiocoma). Close-up photograph taken underwater while diving in natural habitat of Brittle Star or Brittle Sea Star. Class Ophiuroidea, Phylum Echinodermata.
    Common name: black brittle star
    Scientific name: Ophiocoma echinata
  2. Common name: banded ophiocoma
    Scientific name: Ophiocoma pumila
  3. Sea sponge
    Common name: Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophiocoma scolopendrina
  4. Sea sponge
    Common name: red ophiocoma
    Scientific name: Ophiocoma wendtii