
Common name: Pentagonaster Sea Stars

Scientific name: Pentagonaster

Pentagonaster is a genus of sea stars found in the Indo-Pacific region, known for their five-armed radial symmetry and vibrant colors. These sea stars are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their striking appearance and their role in the clean-up crew, consuming detritus and uneaten food. They require a well-established aquarium with plenty of live rock for grazing and hiding. While generally hardy, they are sensitive to sudden changes in water parameters and should be acclimated carefully. It's important to ensure that they have enough food sources in the tank, as they can starve if the bio-load is too low.

  1. Vermillion Star (Mediaster aequalis)
A vibrant Vermillion Star (Mediaster aequalis) photographed while scuba diving in the cold Pacific Ocean in southern British Columbia
    Common name: vermillion seastar
    Scientific name: Pentagonaster duebeni