
Common name: Starfish

Scientific name: Asteroidea

Asteroidea, commonly known as starfish or sea stars, are a class of echinoderms recognized for their star-shaped body structure. These fascinating marine invertebrates are found in oceans all over the world, from tropical coral reefs to the cold depths of the ocean floor. Starfish are not fish, despite their common name, and they exhibit unique features that make them intriguing additions to marine aquariums.

One of the most distinctive traits of starfish is their radial symmetry, typically having five arms, although some species can have more. They possess a remarkable ability to regenerate lost arms, a process that can take several months, which is an adaptation for survival in the wild. Their skin is often covered with spines or a bumpy texture, which can vary in color and pattern, making them visually appealing to aquarists.

Starfish play a vital role in their natural ecosystem as both predators and scavengers. They feed on a variety of organisms, including mollusks, small fish, and detritus. In the aquarium setting, they require a well-established tank with stable water parameters, as they are sensitive to changes in salinity, temperature, and pH. It's important for hobbyists to ensure that their aquarium can support the dietary and environmental needs of these creatures.

In addition to their ecological role, starfish have a unique water vascular system that aids in locomotion and feeding. This system operates through hydraulic pressure, allowing them to move and manipulate their tube feet. This fascinating mechanism is not only a point of interest for marine biologists but also for hobbyists who enjoy observing the complex behaviors of starfish.

Before adding a starfish to your aquarium, it's essential to research the specific needs of the species you are interested in, as some can grow quite large and may not be suitable for all tank sizes. Additionally, care should be taken to avoid species that might prey on other aquarium inhabitants.

  1. Crown of Thorns Starfish (Purple Variant)
    Common name: Crown-of-Thorns Starfish
    Scientific name: Acanthaster planci
  2. Common name: Burton's Starfish
    Scientific name: Aquilonastra burtoni
  3. Sand Sifting Sea Star - (Astropecten polycanthus)
    Common name: Sand Sifting Starfish
    Scientific name: Archaster angulatus
  4. sand sifting starfish (archaster typicus) moving through the glass of a reef aquarium
    Common name: Indo-Pacific Beach Star
    Scientific name: Archaster typicus
  5. Northern Pacific Seastar (Asterias amurensis) in Japan
    Common name: Northern Pacific Seastar
    Scientific name: Asterias amurensis
  6. étoile de mer commune (Asterias rubens).
    Common name: Northern Sea Star
    Scientific name: Asterias rubens
  7. Common name: sheriff-badge sea star
    Scientific name: Asteropsis carinifera
  8. Common name: Anderson's Sand Star
    Scientific name: Astropecten andersoni
  9. Red Comb Starfish (Astropecten aranciacus)
    Common name: Red Comb Starfish
    Scientific name: Astropecten aranciacus
  10. Giovane esemplare di stella marina, Astropecten bispinosus, tra la sabbia
    Common name: Bispinosus Sand Star
    Scientific name: Astropecten bispinosus
  11. Sand Sifting Sea Star - (Astropecten polycanthus)
    Common name: Sand Sifting Starfish
    Scientific name: Astropecten jonstoni
  12. Astropecten spiny sea star on silty bottom
    Common name: comb star
    Scientific name: Astropecten polyacanthus
  13. Mediterranean Sea Sand Starfish (Astropecten spinulosus)
    Common name: Sea Sand Starfish
    Scientific name: Astropecten spinulosus
  14. Sea star in the coral reef, Bali sea, Indonesia
    Common name: Red Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Chaetaster longipes
  15. Granulated Sea Star (Choriaster granulatus)
    Common name: Granulated Sea Star
    Scientific name: Choriaster granulatus
  16. Étoile de mer épineuse - coscinasterias tenuispina
    Common name: white starfish
    Scientific name: Coscinasterias tenuispina
  17. Pin Cushion Star (Culcita novaeguineae)
    Common name: Pin Cushion Star
    Scientific name: Culcita novaeguineae
  18. Cushion Star or Spiny cushion star (Culcita schmideliana), Indian Ocean, Maldives, Asia
    Common name: cushion star
    Scientific name: Culcita schmideliana
  19. Starfish, Echinaster callosus, Gili Lawat Indonesia
    Common name: Warty sea star
    Scientific name: Echinaster callosus
  20. Luzon Sea Star (Echinaster luzonicus)
    Common name: Luzon Sea Star
    Scientific name: Echinaster luzonicus
  21. Estrella de mar. Echinaster sepositus.
    Common name: Red starfish
    Scientific name: Echinaster sepositus
  22. Harlequin Shrimp, Hymenocera picta, with sea star food, Fromia monilis
    Common name: Orange spotted purple sea star
    Scientific name: Fromia elegans
  23. Ghardaqa red sea star - (fromia ghardaqana), underwater photo into the Red Sea
    Common name: Ghardaqa Sea Star
    Scientific name: Fromia ghardaqana
  24. Indian Sea Star (Fromia indica) on stony coral
    Common name: Indian Sea Star
    Scientific name: Fromia indica
  25. Detail of a small Thousand-pores starfish, Fromia milleporella, as it crawls on a reef in Indonesia.
    Common name: Red Starfish
    Scientific name: Fromia milleporella
  26. A Pearl Sea Star (Fromia monilis) in the Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Red Tile Starfish
    Scientific name: Fromia monilis
  27. Noduled sea star (Fromia nodosa) underwater on the bottom of the sea
    Common name: Red Sea Star
    Scientific name: Fromia nodosa
  28. Huge red starfish underwater in the blue clear sea. concept of holiday, vocation and relaxing
    Common name: Red Starfish
    Scientific name: Fromia polypora
  29. Egyptian Sea Star (Gomophia egyptiaca) on the reefs of the Red Sea
    Common name: Egyptian Sea Star
    Scientific name: Gomophia egyptiaca
  30. Watson's Sea Star (Gomophia watsoni), Watson's Bay, Lizard Island, Australia
    Common name: Watson's Sea Star
    Scientific name: Gomophia watsoni
  31. Hacelia Orange seastar, underwater photo into the Mediterranean sea - (Hacelia attenuata)
    Common name: smooth starfish
    Scientific name: Hacelia attenuata
  32. Blood Star (Henricia leviuscula) photographed scuba diving in southern British Columbia
    Common name: Pacific blood star
    Scientific name: Henricia leviuscula
  33. Blood Sea Star underwater in the St. Lawrence Estuary
    Common name: Bloody Henry starfish
    Scientific name: Henricia oculata
  34. Arctic Cushion Star (Hippasteria phrygiana), Weather Islands, Skagerrak Sea, Sweden
    Common name: Arctic Cushion Star
    Scientific name: Hippasteria phrygiana
  35. A Double Sea Star (Iconaster longimanus)
    Common name: icon star
    Scientific name: Iconaster longimanus
  36. Common name: Leather Star
    Scientific name: Leiaster coriaceus
  37. Common name: velvety sea star
    Scientific name: Leiaster speciosus
  38. yellow star linckia guildingi
    Common name: Blue Linckia Starfish
    Scientific name: Linckia guildingi
  39. Blue Linckia (Linckia laevigata)
    Common name: Blue Linckia
    Scientific name: Linckia laevigata
  40. Spotted Linckia Linckia multifora
    Common name: Blue Linckia Starfish
    Scientific name: Linckia multifora
  41. Common name: Seven-armed starfish
    Scientific name: Luidia ciliaris
  42. Luidia maculata Starfish strand on the beach
    Common name: seven armed sea star
    Scientific name: Luidia maculata
  43. Spiny starfish (Marthasterias glacialis) in Mediterranean Sea
    Common name: spiny starfish
    Scientific name: Marthasterias glacialis
  44. Common name: Bradley's Sea Star
    Scientific name: Mithrodia bradleyi
  45. Common name: nail sea star
    Scientific name: Mithrodia clavigera
  46. Friant's Sea Star Nardoa frianti
    Common name: Nardoa frianti
    Scientific name: Nardoa frianti
  47. Galathea Seestern
    Common name: Galathea Sea Star
    Scientific name: Nardoa galathea
  48. Brown Mesh Sea Star (Nardoa galatheae)
    Common name: Brown Mesh Sea Star
    Scientific name: Nardoa galatheae
  49. Detail of the top of a Yellow mesh sea star, Nardoa novaecaledoniae, on a coral reef in Indonesia.
    Common name: Nardoa Starfish
    Scientific name: Nardoa novaecaledoniae
  50. Common name: Rose Sea Star
    Scientific name: Nardoa rosea
  51. Common name: Nardoa Tuberculata
    Scientific name: Nardoa tuberculata
  52. Blue sea star on coral. The Island Of Mindoro. Philippines.
    Common name: Blue Sea Star
    Scientific name: Neoferdina cumingi
  53. Chocolate chip sea star
    Common name: Chocolate Chip Sea Star
    Scientific name: Neoferdina glyptodisca
  54. Underwater photography. Red knobbed sea star and sea urchins. Zanzibar, Tanzania.
    Common name: Red Knob Sea Star
    Scientific name: Neoferdina insolita
  55. Red Mediterranean Seastar – Ophidiaster ophidianus
    Common name: purple seastar
    Scientific name: Ophidiaster ophidianus
  56. sunset over the Atlantic Ocean in Florida
    Common name: red cushion sea star
    Scientific name: Oreaster reticulatus
  57. Common name: Sohari Starfish
    Scientific name: Paraferdina sohariae
  58. Bat Star (Patiria miniata)
    Common name: Bat Star
    Scientific name: Patiria miniata
  59. Beaded Starfish (Pentaceraster mammillatus), Kiwengwa, Zanzibar, Tanzania.
    Common name: Knobby Sea Star
    Scientific name: Pentaceraster mammillatus
  60. Vermillion Star (Mediaster aequalis)
A vibrant Vermillion Star (Mediaster aequalis) photographed while scuba diving in the cold Pacific Ocean in southern British Columbia
    Common name: vermillion seastar
    Scientific name: Pentagonaster duebeni
  61. Close-up detail of the underside of a Pin Cushion Starfish (Culcita novaeguineae) showing small teeth-like spines and nodules; Maui, Hawaii, United States of America
    Common name: red cushion stat
    Scientific name: Porania pulvillus
  62. Red-knobbed Starfish (Protoreaster lincki)
    Common name: Red-knobbed Starfish
    Scientific name: Protoreaster lincki
  63. A Chocolate Chip Sea Star (Protoreaster nodosus) sea star Boracay Island Philippines
    Common name: Chocolate Chip Sea Star
    Scientific name: Protoreaster nodosus
  64. Chocolate chip sea star
    Common name: Chocolate Chip Sea Star
    Scientific name: Tamaria stria
  65. Catalas Seestern (Thromidia catalai)
    Common name: Giant Sea Star
    Scientific name: Thromidia catalai
  66. Mottled sea star
    Common name: Mottled Sea Star
    Scientific name: Tosia australis