
Common name: Scorpionfish

Scientific name: Scorpaenopsis

Scorpaenopsis is a genus of fish in the family Scorpaenidae, known for their venomous spines and ability to blend into their surroundings. Members of this genus are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their unique appearance, which includes a well-camouflaged body with intricate patterns and often frilly appendages. They are ambush predators, lying in wait for prey to pass by before striking. Hobbyists should handle them with care due to their venomous spines, which can cause painful stings. These fish require a well-structured aquarium with plenty of hiding places and a diet of meaty foods.

  1. Common name: Shortnose scorpionfish
    Scientific name: Scorpaenopsis brevifrons
  2. Common name: Jenkin's scorpionfish
    Scientific name: Scorpaenopsis cacopsis
  3. Devil Scorpionfish Scorpaenopsis diabolus
    Common name: Devil scorpionfish
    Scientific name: Scorpaenopsis diabolus
  4. Scorpaenopsis macrochir Flacher-Drachenkopf, Buckel-Drachenkopf,
    Common name: Flasher scorpionfish
    Scientific name: Scorpaenopsis macrochir
  5. Fransen Drachenkopf (Scorpaenopsis oxycephala) Skorpionfisch
    Common name: Tassled scorpionfish
    Scientific name: Scorpaenopsis oxycephala
  6. Scorpaenopsis papuensis (Papuan scorpionfish) resting on tropical reef of Bali, Indonesia
    Common name: Papuan scorpionfish
    Scientific name: Scorpaenopsis papuensis
  7. Raggy Scorpianfish - Scorpaenopsis venosa
    Common name: Raggy scorpionfish
    Scientific name: Scorpaenopsis venosa