
Common name: Boring Sponge

Scientific name: Siphonodictyon

Siphonodictyon is a genus of sponges known commonly as Boring Sponges due to their ability to bore into calcareous substrates, including coral and rock. They are fascinating for their symbiotic relationships with certain bacteria, which aid in the boring process. In reef aquariums, they can be both beneficial and problematic. They help with water filtration but can also overgrow and damage live rock or coral skeletons if not kept in check. Hobbyists should monitor their growth and maintain a balance within the tank ecosystem.

  1. Yellow boring sponge (Cliona celata) being cleaned by sea cucumber Stichopus mollis.
    Common name: Boring Sponge
    Scientific name: Siphonodictyon coralliphagum
  2. Common name: Siphonodictyon mucosum
    Scientific name: Siphonodictyon mucosum