
Common name: Lace Corals

Scientific name: Stylaster

Stylaster is a genus of hydrozoans that are also known as lace corals due to their delicate and intricate calcium carbonate skeletons. They are a part of the Stylasteridae family and are found in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, and white. Unlike stony corals, they do not have zooxanthellae and therefore do not rely on light for nutrition. Instead, they capture tiny food particles from the water. Lace corals are non-photosynthetic and require a specialized aquarium setup with moderate to strong water flow and regular feeding of planktonic foods to thrive.

  1. Yellowline arrow crab with rose lace corals (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands)
    Common name: Rose Lace Coral
    Scientific name: Stylaster roseus