
Common name: Sea Cucumbers

Scientific name: Dendrochirotida

Dendrochirotida is an order of sea cucumbers known for their branched tentacles, which they use for feeding. Members of this order are popular in the reefkeeping hobby due to their role in cleaning the substrate and water column by consuming detritus and other organic matter. They are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of tank mates. However, they require stable tank conditions and should not be housed with aggressive fish or invertebrates that may harm them. It's important to research individual species within this order for specific care requirements, as some may have specialized needs.

  1. Pink warty sea cucumber
    Common name: Red box sea cucumber
    Scientific name: Cercodemas anceps
  2. Sea cucumber
    Common name: Sea Cucumber
    Scientific name: Colochirus crassus
  3. Prickly sea cucumber, Fury Shoal, Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Thorny sea cucumber
    Scientific name: Colochirus quadrangularis
  4. Colochirus robustus - Gelbe Seewalze im Komodo Nationalpark
    Common name: robust sea cucumber
    Scientific name: Colochirus robustus
  5. Common name: Large Burrowing Sea Cucumber
    Scientific name: Massinium magnum
  6. Sea apple (Pseudocolochirus violaceus) eating from the fish tank glass with blurred background
    Common name: sea apple
    Scientific name: Pseudocolochirus violaceus