
Common name: Sacoglossans

Scientific name: Sacoglossa

Sacoglossa, commonly known as sacoglossans or sap-sucking slugs, is an order of small, often colorful sea slugs. These gastropods are known for their unique feeding habits, as they consume and then retain chloroplasts from algae in a process called kleptoplasty. This allows them to photosynthesize like plants, a rare ability in the animal kingdom. Sacoglossans are fascinating for reefkeepers due to their specialized diets and potential benefits in controlling certain types of algae in the aquarium. However, their specific dietary requirements can make them challenging to keep.

  1. Elysia crispata, common name the lettuce sea slug
    Common name: lettuce slug
    Scientific name: Elysia crispata
  2. Solar powered sea slug ( elysia diomedea )
    Common name: Eastern Pacific Emerald Elysia
    Scientific name: Elysia diomedea
  3. Wild Wonders of Taiwan
    Common name: lettuce slug
    Scientific name: Elysia ornata
  4. Sapsucking Slug
    Common name: Sapsucking Slug
    Scientific name: Elysia verrucosa
  5. Sap-Sucking Slug (Elysia sp.)
    Common name: green elysia
    Scientific name: Elysia viridis
  6. Common name: Ercolania boodleae
    Scientific name: Ercolania boodleae
  7. Nudibranchio o lumaca di mare, Plakobranchus ocellatus, in movimento sulla sabbia
    Common name: Flat camouflaged slug
    Scientific name: Plakobranchus ocellatus
  8. Thuridilla gracilis Sea Slug
    Common name: Thuridilla gracilis
    Scientific name: Thuridilla gracilis