
Common name: Monocots

Scientific name: Liliopsida

Liliopsida, commonly known as monocots, are a class of flowering plants characterized by a single embryonic leaf or cotyledon. This class includes a diverse range of plants such as grasses, lilies, orchids, and palms. In the reefkeeping hobby, seagrasses like those from the genus Halophila and Thalassia are of particular interest. These seagrasses can be kept in refugiums or main displays, providing habitat for small invertebrates and helping with nutrient export.

  1. Close-up of the Halophila seagrass. Camera moving forwards above seabed covered with green seagrass. Underwater landscape. Red sea, Egypt
    Common name: Fine sea grass
    Scientific name: Halodule uninervis
  2. Bird`s and nature reserve, Poland
    Common name: Shoal Grass
    Scientific name: Halodule wrightii
  3. Sangy seabed covered with green seagrass. Underwater landscape with Halophila seagrass. Red sea, Egypt
    Common name: seagrass
    Scientific name: Halophila ovalis
  4. Common name: Species code: hn
    Scientific name: Halophila spinulosa
  5. Sea Grass
    Common name: manatee grass
    Scientific name: Syringodium filiforme
  6. Turtlegrass (Seagrass) off Florida Keys
    Common name: Turtle Grass
    Scientific name: Thalassia testudinum
  7. Sea Grass or Zostera marina
    Common name: common eel-grass
    Scientific name: Zostera marina
  8. oyster shell in seagrass (Zostera noltii),North Sea,Germany
    Common name: dwarf eelgrass
    Scientific name: Zostera noltii