
Common name: Tube Anemones

Scientific name: Cerianthidae

Cerianthidae, commonly known as Tube Anemones, are a family of ceriantharians that are distinct from true sea anemones. They are characterized by their long, tube-like structures made from secreted mucous and threads. Tube Anemones can add a unique aesthetic to a reef tank with their vibrant colors and flowing tentacles. They are nocturnal and often bury their tubes in the substrate, extending their tentacles at night to feed. They have a symbiotic relationship with certain species of clownfish, which may use them as a host, similar to the way they interact with true anemones.

  1. Common name: southern cerianthid
    Scientific name: Ceriantheopsis americana
  2. Tube Anemone, Faden-Zylinderrose (Cerianthus filiformis)
    Common name: Large tube anemone
    Scientific name: Cerianthus filiformis
  3. closeup of a brown and white tube dwelling sea anemone, a popular aquarium pet in aquaculture
    Common name: Cylinder Anemone
    Scientific name: Cerianthus lloydii
  4. Cerianthus membranaceus and two scorpion fish
    Common name: Tube Anemone
    Scientific name: Cerianthus membranaceus
  5. Common name: Northern Cerianthid
    Scientific name: Pachycerianthus borealis
  6. Handheld.  Tube-dwelling anemone or pachycerianthus fimbriatus.  Photographed underwater at Channel Islands, CA.
    Common name: Giant Tube Anemone
    Scientific name: Pachycerianthus fimbriatus
  7. Sea anemone
    Common name: Giant Tube Anemone
    Scientific name: Pachycerianthus maua