
Common name: Morwong

Scientific name: Cheilodactylidae

The Cheilodactylidae family, commonly known as Morwongs, consists of marine fish found in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly around Australia and New Zealand. Morwongs are characterized by their elongated bodies, large heads, and strong, crushing teeth, adapted for feeding on hard-shelled prey. They are generally not aggressive and can be suitable for larger fish-only aquariums. Morwongs exhibit interesting behaviors and are known for their ability to change sex from female to male as they mature.

  1. Common name: Painted morwong
    Scientific name: Cheilodactylus ephippium
  2. Two banded morwongs Cheilodactylus spectabilis feeding on hard algae from flat bottom of mixed sand and rocks.
    Common name: Red moki
    Scientific name: Cheilodactylus spectabilis
  3. Common name: magpie morwong
    Scientific name: Cheilodactylus vestitus
  4. Red moki Cheilodactylus spectabilis above flat bottom partly covered with short brown algae.
    Common name: Striped morwong
    Scientific name: Cheilodactylus vittatus
  5. Seascape. Redlip morwong , Cheilodactylus zebra Döderlein, 1883 in the blue water
    Common name: Redlip morwong
    Scientific name: Cheilodactylus zebra
  6. タカノハダイ
    Common name: White-spot-tail morwong
    Scientific name: Cheilodactylus zonatus