Common name: Filefish
Scientific name: Monacanthidae
Monacanthidae, commonly known as filefish, are a family of tropical to subtropical fish known for their unique sandpaper-like skin and elaborate mating rituals. They exhibit a diverse range of colors and patterns, often used for camouflage. Many species possess a retractable spine on their back which is used for defense. In the aquarium, filefish can be challenging due to their specific dietary and habitat needs. They often require live foods and ample hiding spaces. Some species are known to nip at corals and invertebrates, so careful selection and monitoring are essential for a reef tank.
- Common name: Bristle-tail FilefishScientific name: Acreichthys tomentosus
- Common name: scrawled filefishScientific name: Aluterus scriptus
- Common name: Tasselled leatherjacketScientific name: Chaetodermis penicilligerus
- Common name: Fringed FiiefishScientific name: Monacanthus ciliatus
- Common name: Red Sea longnose filefishScientific name: Oxymonacanthus halli
- Common name: Harlequin filefishScientific name: Oxymonacanthus longirostris
- Common name: Andaman Mimic FilefishScientific name: Paraluteres arqat
- Common name: Mimic filefishScientific name: Paraluteres prionurus
- Common name: Yelloweye filefishScientific name: Pervagor alternans
- Common name: Orangetail filefishScientific name: Pervagor aspricaudus
- Common name: Ear-spot filefishScientific name: Pervagor janthinosoma
- Common name: Yellowtail BristletoothScientific name: Pervagor marginalis
- Common name: Redtail filefishScientific name: Pervagor melanocephalus
- Common name: Blacklined filefishScientific name: Pervagor nigrolineatus
- Common name: Randall's Prawn GobyScientific name: Pervagor randalli
- Common name: Fantail filefishScientific name: Pervagor spilosoma