
Common name: Elysia

Scientific name: Elysia

Elysia is a genus of small, green sea slugs, known colloquially as 'Solar-Powered Sea Slugs' due to their unique ability to incorporate chloroplasts from algae they consume into their own tissues. This process, known as kleptoplasty, allows them to photosynthesize like a plant, supplementing their diet with energy from sunlight. Elysia species are fascinating for hobbyists interested in symbiotic relationships and marine biology. They require specific care, including access to light and appropriate algae for consumption.

  1. Elysia crispata, common name the lettuce sea slug
    Common name: lettuce slug
    Scientific name: Elysia crispata
  2. Solar powered sea slug ( elysia diomedea )
    Common name: Eastern Pacific Emerald Elysia
    Scientific name: Elysia diomedea
  3. Wild Wonders of Taiwan
    Common name: lettuce slug
    Scientific name: Elysia ornata
  4. Sapsucking Slug
    Common name: Sapsucking Slug
    Scientific name: Elysia verrucosa
  5. Sap-Sucking Slug (Elysia sp.)
    Common name: green elysia
    Scientific name: Elysia viridis