
Common name: Dwarf Gobies

Scientific name: Eviota

Eviota is a genus of small marine fish known as Dwarf Gobies, which are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their diminutive size and vibrant colors. These gobies are peaceful and can be a great addition to nano-reefs or larger community tanks with gentle tank mates. They exhibit fascinating behaviors and often form symbiotic relationships with invertebrates, providing a dynamic element to the aquarium. Eviota species are generally hardy but do require stable water conditions and plenty of hiding spaces among live rock.

  1. Bullying in the hallway
    Common name: bully
    Scientific name: Eviota abax
  2. Common name: Afele's pygmy goby
    Scientific name: Eviota afelei
  3. White barred Pygmygoby Eviota albolineata
    Common name: Spotted fringefin goby
    Scientific name: Eviota albolineata
  4. Twostripe Eviota Eviota bifasciata
    Common name: Doublebar goby
    Scientific name: Eviota bifasciata
  5. Common name: Comet pygmy goby
    Scientific name: Eviota cometa
  6. Common name: Divine dwarf goby
    Scientific name: Eviota epiphanes
  7. Green Pygmy-Goby Eviota guttata
    Common name: Spotted pygmy goby
    Scientific name: Eviota guttata
  8. Common name: Redlight Eviota
    Scientific name: Eviota lachdeberei
  9. Common name: brown-banded dwarfgoby
    Scientific name: Eviota latifasciata
  10. Common name: Melasma pygmy goby
    Scientific name: Eviota melasma
  11. Common name: Palespot Eviota
    Scientific name: Eviota nebulosa
  12. Common name: Blackfin Dwarfgoby
    Scientific name: Eviota nigripinna
  13. Underwater close up of Goby fish
    Common name: Blackbelly goby
    Scientific name: Eviota nigriventris
  14. Common name: Leopard dwarfgoby
    Scientific name: Eviota pardalota
  15. Common name: Partimacula Pygmy Goby
    Scientific name: Eviota partimacula
  16. Neon Pygmy Goby (Eviota pellucida)
    Common name: Pellucida pygmy goby
    Scientific name: Eviota pellucida
  17. Common name: Rubble Eviota
    Scientific name: Eviota prasina
  18. Common name: Prasites pygmy goby
    Scientific name: Eviota prasites
  19. Underwater extreme close up view of small goby fish sheltering in brain coral reefs.
    Common name: Green bubble goby
    Scientific name: Eviota punctulata
  20. Sebree's Pygmygoby Eviota sebreei
    Common name: Sebree's pygmy goby
    Scientific name: Eviota sebreei
  21. Common name: Adorned dwarfgoby
    Scientific name: Eviota sigillata
  22. Common name: Speckled pygmy goby
    Scientific name: Eviota sparsa
  23. Shotsilk goby Ptereleotris zebra darts around a coral reef aquarium
    Common name: Zebra goby
    Scientific name: Eviota zebrina
  24. Common name: nakedheaded gudgeon
    Scientific name: Eviota zonura