
Common name: Brittle Stars

Scientific name: Ophiura

Ophiura is a genus of brittle stars, commonly known as serpent stars, belonging to the class Ophiuroidea. These echinoderms are characterized by their distinct central disc and long, slender arms which they use for locomotion. Brittle stars are detritivores, scavengers, and some are suspension feeders, playing a vital role in the aquarium's cleanup crew. They are generally nocturnal and hide under rocks or in crevices during the day. Ophiura species are known for their ability to regenerate lost arms, a fascinating aspect of their biology. In the reef aquarium, they contribute to the biodiversity and help maintain a balanced ecosystem.

  1. Bright serpent star   (Ophiura albida)
    Common name: Brittle Star
    Scientific name: Ophiura albida
  2. Common brittlestar,Ophiura ophiura,
    Common name: serpent star
    Scientific name: Ophiura ophiura