
Common name: Stylophora

Scientific name: Stylophora

Stylophora is a genus of small polyp stony corals commonly found in reef aquariums. They are known for their hardiness and branching growth form, resembling the paws of a cat or a bird's nest. These corals come in a variety of colors, including pink, purple, and green. Stylophora species are popular among hobbyists for their moderate care requirements and their ability to thrive under a range of lighting conditions. They host symbiotic zooxanthellae which aid in their nutrition through photosynthesis. Regular feeding with microplankton and maintaining stable water conditions are key to their success in captivity.

  1. Colorful, picturesque coral reef at sandy bottom of tropical sea, stony coral and fishes dascyllus, underwater landscape
    Common name: Hood coral
    Scientific name: Stylophora pistillata
  2. Lyretail Anthias in Red Sea
    Common name: Hood coral
    Scientific name: Stylophora subseriata