
Common name: Eelgrass

Scientific name: Zostera

Zostera, commonly known as eelgrass, is a genus of marine seagrasses that inhabit shallow coastal waters. They form dense underwater meadows that are crucial for marine ecosystems, providing habitat, food, and nursery grounds for a variety of marine life. Eelgrass is also important for water quality, as it helps stabilize sediment and can absorb nutrients. In the aquarium, Zostera species can be challenging to maintain due to their need for strong lighting, a substrate rich in nutrients, and cooler water temperatures. They are best suited for larger, specialized setups that can mimic their natural environment.

  1. Sea Grass or Zostera marina
    Common name: common eel-grass
    Scientific name: Zostera marina
  2. oyster shell in seagrass (Zostera noltii),North Sea,Germany
    Common name: dwarf eelgrass
    Scientific name: Zostera noltii