
Common name: Dragon Moray Eel

Scientific name: Enchelycore

The genus Enchelycore is known for its striking species, the Dragon Moray Eels, which are characterized by their vibrant coloration and elongated bodies. These eels are a favorite among advanced hobbyists due to their unique appearance and behavior. They require large tanks with plenty of hiding spaces and a secure lid, as they are known to be escape artists. Their diet should consist of meaty foods like squid, shrimp, and fish. It's important to note that they can be aggressive and are best kept with larger fish that they cannot prey upon.

  1. Tigermuräne Enchelycore anatina mit Lysmata grabhami
    Common name: Fangtooth moray
    Scientific name: Enchelycore anatina
  2. Chestnut moray, Enchelycore spp. Revillagigedo Islands, Roca Partida, Mexico
    Common name: Chestnut moray
    Scientific name: Enchelycore carychroa
  3. Common name: Reticulate hookjaw moray
    Scientific name: Enchelycore lichenosa
  4. Common name: Mulatto conger
    Scientific name: Enchelycore nigricans
  5. Enchelycore pardalis, Leopard moray eel or Dragon moray
    Common name: Moray
    Scientific name: Enchelycore pardalis
  6. Mosaic representing a fishing scene. This mosaic is part of the House of Hippolytus, an archaeological site located in  Complutum, a Roman City located in Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain.
    Common name: Mosaic moray
    Scientific name: Enchelycore ramosa