
Common name: Parrotfish

Scientific name: Sparisoma

Sparisoma is a genus of fish in the family Scaridae, commonly known as parrotfish. These colorful reef dwellers are known for their beak-like teeth and the important role they play in maintaining reef health by grazing on algae. They exhibit fascinating behaviors such as changing colors and even sex during their lifetimes. Parrotfish are also responsible for creating white sandy beaches, as they excrete the undigested coral they consume. Hobbyists should note that Sparisoma species can grow quite large and may not be suitable for smaller aquariums.

  1. Greenblotch Parrotfish
    Common name: loro
    Scientific name: Sparisoma atomarium
  2. Redband parrotfish swimming in reef
    Common name: redband parrotfish
    Scientific name: Sparisoma aurofrenatum
  3. A Redtail Parrotfish (Sparisoma chrysopterum) in Florida, USA
    Common name: loro
    Scientific name: Sparisoma chrysopterum
  4. Bucktooth Parrotfish
    Common name: Kwab
    Scientific name: Sparisoma radians
  5. Yellowtail Parrotfish
    Common name: Redfin parrot
    Scientific name: Sparisoma rubripinne
  6. Stoplight parrotfish
    Common name: stoplight parrotfish
    Scientific name: Sparisoma viride