
Common name: Parrotfish

Scientific name: Scaridae

The Scaridae family, commonly known as Parrotfish, are a group of marine fish known for their vibrant colors and beak-like teeth. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem by grazing on algae and dead coral, which helps prevent algal overgrowth and promotes coral growth. Parrotfish are sequential hermaphrodites, with some species starting life as females and later transforming into males. They are popular among reef hobbyists for their unique appearance and behavior, but require large tanks with plenty of swimming space and rockwork to mimic their natural habitat.

  1. Humphead parrotfish Bolbometopon muricatum
    Common name: Green humphead parrotfish
    Scientific name: Bolbometopon muricatum
  2. Young, Stareye Parrotfish (Calotomus carolinu) still in transition, Maui; Hawaii, United States of America
    Common name: Stareye parrotfish
    Scientific name: Calotomus carolinus
  3. 美しく大きなアオブダイ(ブダイ科)。

    Common name: Japanese parrotfish
    Scientific name: Calotomus japonicus
  4. Common name: Spinytooth parrotfish
    Scientific name: Calotomus spinidens
  5. Close-up of Parrot fish grazes on sandy bottom covered with green seagrass. Viridescent Parrotfish (Calotomus viridescens).
    Common name: Viridescent parrotfish
    Scientific name: Calotomus viridescens
  6. Common name: Yellowbar parrot
    Scientific name: Calotomus zonarchus
  7. Bicolor Parrotfish - Cetoscarus bicolor ,coral fish in the Red Sea
    Common name: Bicolor parrotfish
    Scientific name: Cetoscarus bicolor
  8. Bluemoon Parrotfish and Crescent Wrasse
    Common name: Bluemoon parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus atrilunula
  9. Bleeker's parrot fish, Chlorurus bleekeri, Raja Anpat Indonesia
    Common name: Bleeker's parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus bleekeri
  10. オオモンハゲブダイの幼魚
    Common name: Bower's parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus bowersi
  11. Titan triggerfish (Balistoides viridescens) in the coral reef in Red Sea
    Common name: Indian parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus capistratoides
  12. Common name: Tan-faced parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus frontalis
  13. Daisy parrotfish or bullethead parrotfish (Chlorurus sordidus) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sinai, Ras Mohammad national park
    Common name: Sinai parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus genazonatus
  14. Red Sea Steephead Parrotfish (Chlorurus gibbus)
    Common name: Steephead parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus gibbus
  15. シジュウカラの幼魚
    Common name: Japanese parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus japanensis
  16. A Steephead Parrotfish (Chlorurus microrhinos)
    Common name: Blunt-head parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus microrhinos
  17. sea red fish in the aquarium
    Common name: Spectacled parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus perspicillatus
  18. Daisy parrotfish  - Chlorurus sordidus,  Red Sea
    Common name: Bullethead parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus sordidus
  19. Indian Ocean Steephead Parrotfish, Heavybeak Parrotfish, Purple-headed Parrotfish, Steephead Parrotfish, Chlorurus strongylocephalus, scarus strongylocephalus
    Common name: Indian Ocean steephead parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus strongylocephalus
  20. Common name: Troschel's parrotfish
    Scientific name: Chlorurus troschelii
  21. Coral fish - Longnose Parrotfish - Hipposcarus harid in the Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Longnose parrotfish
    Scientific name: Hipposcarus harid
  22. Common name: Lama G. Cuvier, 1800
    Scientific name: Leptoscarus vaigiensis
  23. Parrotfish
    Common name: Filament-finned parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus altipinnis
  24. Common name: Tail-barred parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus caudofasciatus
  25. chameleon parrotfish( Scarus chameleon) fish feeds among the corals in the red sea
    Common name: Chameleon parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus chameleon
  26. Blue Parrotfish Grazing on the Reef
    Common name: Blue kwab
    Scientific name: Scarus coeruleus
  27. Dead parrotfish in shallow lagoon
    Common name: Red Sea parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus collana
  28. Common name: Yellowbarred parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus dimidiatus
  29. macaw flying with its wings spread
    Common name: Regal parrot
    Scientific name: Scarus dubius
  30. Greenbelly parrotfish - Scarus falcipinnis, Australia.
    Common name: Sicklefin parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus falcipinnis
  31. Rusty parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus
    Common name: Rusty parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus ferrugineus
  32. Yellowfin parrotfish, Scarus flavipectoralis, Raja Ampat Indonesia
    Common name: Yellowfin parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus flavipectoralis
  33. イチモンジブダイの幼魚
    Common name: Forsten's parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus forsteni
  34. Bridled parrotfish fish in water near coral reef in tropical sea
    Common name: Bridled parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus frenatus
  35. オグロブダイのオス
    Common name: Darktail parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus fuscocaudalis
  36. Indian Ocean Steephead Parrotfish, Heavybeak Parrotfish, Purple-headed Parrotfish, Steephead Parrotfish, Chlorurus strongylocephalus, scarus strongylocephalus
    Common name: Purple-brown parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus fuscopurpureus
  37. Closeup photo of parrot fish vignetted looking at camera With copyspace for text
    Common name: Blue-barred parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus ghobban
  38. Underwater photo of violet-lined parrotfish or scarus globiceps swimming among tropical coral reefs. Scuba diving or snorkeling. Travel and enjoy sea wildlife in Thailand. Biodiversity and ecosystem
    Common name: Globehead parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus globiceps
  39. Photography of Scarus guacamaia underwater. Fish. Aquamarine. Happy. Smiling. Large eyes. Multicolored. Scales
    Common name: Blue rainbow
    Scientific name: Scarus guacamaia
  40. Guinea-Papageifisch, Scarus hoefleri
    Common name: Guinean parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus hoefleri
  41. キビレブダイの幼魚
    Common name: Yellow-tail parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus hypselopterus
  42. Sunlight underwater on a coral reef with a school of fish (striped parrotfish, Scarus iseri), Caribbean sea, Central America, Panama
    Common name: striped parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus iseri
  43. Common name: Highfin parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus longipinnis
  44. Scarus niger - Dusky parrotfish by coral, Red Sea
    Common name: Dusky parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus niger
  45. Yellowtail Parrotfish in Caribbean Sea near Cozumel Island, Mexico
    Common name: Yellowtail parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus obishime
  46. Common name: Darkcapped parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus oviceps
  47. Picasso trigger fish and parrotfish near coral reef  in the Red Sea
    Common name: Gulf parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus persicus
  48. オウムブダイの幼魚
    Common name: Common parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus psittacus
  49. Beautiful Parrot fish Scarus quoyi in black background
    Common name: Quoy's parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus quoyi
  50. Bicolour Parrotfish - Ember Parrotfish - Scarus Rubroviolaceus
    Common name: Ember parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus rubroviolaceus
  51. Common name: Eclipse parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus russelii
  52. Fivesaddle parrotfish, Scarus scaber, The Barge shipwreck, Bluff Point, Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Dusky-capped parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus scaber
  53. オビブダイの幼魚
    Common name: Yellowband parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus schlegeli
  54. Common name: Greensnout parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus spinus
  55. Pair of juvenile Princess Parrotfish swimming over coral
    Common name: loro
    Scientific name: Scarus taeniopterus
  56. A Tricolour Blenny (Ecsenius tricolor)
    Common name: Tricolour parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus tricolor
  57. Queen Parrotfish
    Common name: Blownose
    Scientific name: Scarus vetula
  58. Common name: Dhofar parrotfish
    Scientific name: Scarus zufar
  59. Greenblotch Parrotfish
    Common name: loro
    Scientific name: Sparisoma atomarium
  60. Redband parrotfish swimming in reef
    Common name: redband parrotfish
    Scientific name: Sparisoma aurofrenatum
  61. A Redtail Parrotfish (Sparisoma chrysopterum) in Florida, USA
    Common name: loro
    Scientific name: Sparisoma chrysopterum
  62. Bucktooth Parrotfish
    Common name: Kwab
    Scientific name: Sparisoma radians
  63. Yellowtail Parrotfish
    Common name: Redfin parrot
    Scientific name: Sparisoma rubripinne
  64. Stoplight parrotfish
    Common name: stoplight parrotfish
    Scientific name: Sparisoma viride