
25 species

Boxfish, belonging to the family Ostraciidae, are a unique and fascinating group of marine fish that are well-loved by many reefkeeping hobbyists. These fish are known for their distinctive box-like shape and rigid, bony carapace, which gives them a very peculiar and interesting appearance. Boxfish come in a variety of vibrant colors and patterns, making them a visually appealing addition to any marine aquarium.

One of the key traits of Boxfish is their ability to secrete a toxic substance called ostracitoxin when stressed or threatened. This toxin can be harmful to other tank inhabitants, so it's important to house Boxfish in a well-maintained and stable environment to minimize stress. Despite this, Boxfish are generally peaceful and can coexist with other non-aggressive tank mates.

Boxfish are relatively slow swimmers and prefer a tank with plenty of hiding spots and moderate water flow. They feed on a variety of foods, including algae, small invertebrates, and prepared marine foods. It's essential to ensure they receive a balanced diet to maintain their health and vibrant coloration.

Due to their unique care requirements and potential for releasing toxins, Boxfish are recommended for intermediate to advanced hobbyists who have experience in maintaining stable water conditions and monitoring fish behavior closely.

  1. Island Cowfish (Acanthostracion notacanthus)
    Common name: Island Cowfish
    Scientific name: Acanthostracion notacanthus
  2. Caribbean coral garden, Honeycomb Cowfish (Acanthostracion polygonius)
    Common name: Honeycomb Cowfish
    Scientific name: Acanthostracion polygonius
  3. Scrawled Cowfish
    Common name: Scrawled Cowfish
    Scientific name: Acanthostracion quadricornis
  4. The swimming appearance of the White-barred Boxfish, a fish with very hard scales
    Common name: White-barred Boxfish
    Scientific name: Anoplocapros lenticularis
  5. A female Shaw's cowfish, Aracana aurita, also known as a painted boxfish or striped cowfish. Found in the reefs of the eastern Indian Ocean around south Australia
    Common name: Striped cowfish
    Scientific name: Aracana aurita
  6. Male Ornate Cowfish (Aracana ornata)
    Common name: Ornate Cowfish
    Scientific name: Aracana ornata
  7. Chaetodermis penicilligerus, also known as the prickly leather-jacket or tasselled leather-jacket
    Common name: Tasselled leatherjacket
    Scientific name: Chaetodermis penicilligerus
  8. Porcupinefish (Cyclichthys orbicularis) in the Red Sea Egypt
    Common name: Birdbeak burrfish
    Scientific name: Cyclichthys orbicularis
  9. A Spotted Trunkfish (Lactophrys bicaudalis) in Cozumel, Mexico
    Common name: Trunkfish
    Scientific name: Lactophrys bicaudalis
  10. A juvenile Buffalo Trunkfish (Lactophrys trigonus) in Florida, USA
    Common name: Buffalo trunkfish
    Scientific name: Lactophrys trigonus
  11. Smooth Trunkfish (Lactophrys triqueter) on Caribbean coral reef
    Common name: Smooth Trunkfish
    Scientific name: Lactophrys triqueter
  12. Longhorn Cowfish (Lactoria cornuta)
    Common name: Longhorn Cowfish
    Scientific name: Lactoria cornuta
  13. Long-horn cowfish
    Common name: Transparent boxfish
    Scientific name: Lactoria diaphana
  14. Thorny-Back Cowfish Lactoria fornasini
    Common name: Thornback cowfish
    Scientific name: Lactoria fornasini
  15. Yellow boxfish (Ostracion cubicus).
    Common name: Yellow boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion cubicus
  16. Bluetail Trunkfish in Red Sea
    Common name: Bluetail trunkfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion cyanurus
  17. ハコフグのオス
    Common name: bluespotted boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion immaculatus
  18. Male Spotted Boxfish (Ostracion Meleagris)
    Common name: Spotted Boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion meleagris
  19. A Horn-nose Boxfish (Ostracion rhinorhynchos) swimming underwater
    Common name: Horn-nosed boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion rhinorhynchos
  20. Striped Boxfish - Ostracion solorensis
    Common name: Reticulate boxfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion solorensis
  21. Common name: Roughskin trunkfish
    Scientific name: Ostracion trachys
  22. Whitley's Boxfish on Coral Reef
    Common name: Whitley's box
    Scientific name: Ostracion whitleyi
  23. Common name: Andaman Mimic Filefish
    Scientific name: Paraluteres arqat
  24. ノコギリハギの幼魚
    Common name: Mimic filefish
    Scientific name: Paraluteres prionurus
  25. A cute shortnose boxfish is swimming in marine aquarium. Small nose boxfish (Rhynchostracion nasus) has a powerful toxin on the skin.
    Common name: Shortnose boxfish
    Scientific name: Rhynchostracion nasus