
Common name: Surgeonfish

Scientific name: Acanthurus

Acanthurus is a genus of fish commonly known as surgeonfish or tangs, renowned for their vibrant colors and the distinctive scalpel-like spines on either side of their tail base, which are used for defense. These fish are popular in the reefkeeping hobby for their algae-grazing habits, helping to control algae growth in aquariums. They are generally peaceful but can be territorial. Acanthurus species require ample swimming space and a diet rich in marine algae and vegetable matter.

  1. Achilles Tang (Acanthurus achilles)
    Common name: Achilles Tang
    Scientific name: Acanthurus achilles
  2. Whitefin Surgeonfish (Acanthurus albipectoralis)
    Common name: Whitefin Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus albipectoralis
  3. An Ocean Surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus) in Cozumel, Mexico
    Common name: Ocean Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus bahianus
  4. Black-spot Surgeonfish (Acanthurus bariene)
    Common name: Black-spot Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus bariene
  5. Acanthurus blochii (Ringtail Surgeonfish) swims in the aquarium
    Common name: Ringtail Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus blochii
  6. Doctorfish (Acanthurus chirurgus)
    Common name: Doctorfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus chirurgus
  7. Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus), a surgeonfish found in the Atlantic Ocean
    Common name: Blue Tang
    Scientific name: Acanthurus coeruleus
  8. Acanthurus dussumieri
    Common name: Eyestripe Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus dussumieri
  9. Fowler's Surgeonfish (Acanthurus fowleri)
    Common name: Fowler's Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus fowleri
  10. Black Surgeonfish (Acanthurus gahhm) swimming in the blue sea water
    Common name: Black Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus gahhm
  11. Closeup shot of Whitespotted Surgeonfish (Acanthurus guttatus)
    Common name: Whitespotted Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus guttatus
  12. Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus)
    Common name: Powder Brown Tang
    Scientific name: Acanthurus japonicus
  13. Common name: Pale-lipped Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus leucocheilus
  14. Common name: Whitebar Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus leucopareius
  15. Acanthurus leucosternon
    Common name: Powder Blue Tang
    Scientific name: Acanthurus leucosternon
  16. Lined Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus) with its blue and yellow lines
    Common name: Lined Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus lineatus
  17. Spotted-face or White-freckled Surgeonfish (Acanthurus maculiceps)
    Common name: Spotted-face Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus maculiceps
  18. Underwater shot of Acanthurus mata
    Common name: Elongate Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus mata
  19. Common name: Monrovia Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus monroviae
  20. Whitecheek Surgeonfish
    Common name: Whitecheek Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus nigricans
  21. Epaulette Surgeonfish (Acanthurus nigricauda)
    Common name: Epaulette Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus nigricauda
  22. A Brown Surgeonfish (Acanthurus nigrofuscus) in the Red Sea, Egypt
    Common name: Brown Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus nigrofuscus
  23. Common name: Bluelined Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus nigroris
  24. Common name: Bluelined Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus nubilus
  25. Orangeband Surgeonfish (Acanthurus olivaceus)
    Common name: Orange Shoulder Tang
    Scientific name: Acanthurus olivaceus
  26. Black-barred Surgeonfish (Acanthurus polyzona) on black background
    Common name: Black-barred Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus polyzona
  27. Beautiful bright orange fish in the aquarium, Chocolate Surgeonfish (Acanthurus pyroferus)
    Common name: Chocolate Tang
    Scientific name: Acanthurus pyroferus
  28. Close-up view of a Sohal Tang (Acanthurus sohal)
    Common name: Sohal Tang
    Scientific name: Acanthurus sohal
  29. Acanthurus tennenti
    Common name: Doubleband Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus tennentii
  30. Thompson's Surgeonfish (Acanthurus thompsoni)
    Common name: Thompson's Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus thompsoni
  31. Convict Surgeonfish
    Common name: Convict Tang
    Scientific name: Acanthurus triostegus
  32. Juvenile Indian Ocean Mimic Surgeonfish (Acanthurus tristis), mimicking Centropyge eibli
    Common name: Indian Ocean Mimic Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus tristis
  33. Yellowfin Surgeonfish (Acanthurus xanthopterus)
    Common name: Yellowfin Surgeonfish
    Scientific name: Acanthurus xanthopterus