
Common name: Glass Anemone Shrimp

Scientific name: Periclimenes

Periclimenes is a genus of commensal shrimp found in association with various marine invertebrates, such as anemones, corals, and sea cucumbers. These shrimp are known for their transparent bodies that often display colorful markings, making them a visually appealing addition to the reef aquarium. They play a role in cleaning their hosts by removing parasites and dead tissue, which can benefit the overall health of the aquarium ecosystem. Hobbyists should provide a suitable host for these shrimp to thrive and replicate their natural symbiotic relationships.

  1. Amboinensis crinoid shrimp ( Periclimenes amboinensis ) crawls on a feather star crinoid of Bali, Indonesia
    Common name: ambon crinoid shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes amboinensis
  2. Short hand commensal shrimp, Periclimenes brevicarpalis
    Common name: pacific clown anemone shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes brevicarpalis
  3. Common name: Brock's Anemone Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes brockii
  4. Coleman Shrimp Periclimenes colemani
    Common name: coleman shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes colemani
  5. A minute skeleton shrimp (Caprella sp) sits on a hydroid on the Coral Reef dive site, Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia
    Common name: hydroid shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes galene
  6. steamed chinese mitten crab, shanghai hairy crab close up on plate
    Common name: Hairy Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes hirsutus
  7. purple shrimp bunaken periclimenes holthuisi underwater photo
    Common name: Holthuis' Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes holthuisi
  8. Emperor Shrimp
    Common name: emperor shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes imperator
  9. Mushroom coral shrimp ( Periclimenes kororensis ) resting in sea anemone tentacle of Bali, Indonesia
    Common name: Koror Anemone Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes kororensis
  10. Basket Star Shrimp, Periclimenes lanipes
    Common name: Harlequin Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes lanipes
  11. Long-Arm Cleaner Shrimp in Bubble-Tip Anemone
    Common name: Long-arm Cleaner Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes longicarpus
  12. オドリカクレエビ (periclimenes magnificus) 、英語名のアネモネシュリンプと呼ばれることも。三重県尾鷲市
    Common name: Magnificent Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes magnificus
  13. Pederson Cleaner Shrimp (Periclimenes pedersoni) in Corkscrew Anomones (Bartholomea annulata)
    Common name: Pederson cleaner shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes pedersoni
  14. Periclimenes psamathe, Hydroid Shrimp on the Small Lalaguna dive site, Puerto Galera,, Philippines
    Common name: translucent gorgonian shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes psamathe
  15. Emperor shrimp / Zenopontonia rex (Periclimenes imperator).  Picture was taken near Island Bangka in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
    Common name: Emperor Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes rex
  16. Seestern Garnele, Sea Star Shrimp,  (Periclimenes soror)
    Common name: Sea Star Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes soror
  17. Commensal shrimps, Periclimenes tenuipes, Bali Indonesia.
    Common name: Glass shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes tenuipes
  18. Close-up of a glass anemone shrimp (Periclimenes brevicarpalis) in the deep blue ocean
    Common name: Glass Anemone Shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes tenuis
  19. Tosa Commensal Shrimp (Periclimenes tosaensis) in a Coral. Triton Bay, West Papua, Indonesia
    Common name: Periclimenes sarasvati
    Scientific name: Periclimenes tosaensis
  20. Commensal shrimp (Periclimenes venustus), Sulawesi, Indonesia
    Common name: graceful anemone shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes venustus
  21. A spotted cleaner shrimp Periclimenes yucatanicus
    Common name: spotted cleaner shrimp
    Scientific name: Periclimenes yucatanicus