Crabs are fascinating and diverse invertebrates that can make interesting additions to a saltwater aquarium. They belong to the order Decapoda and are known for their distinctive exoskeletons and pincers (chelae). Crabs come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them appealing to hobbyists. Some popular types of crabs kept in aquariums include Diogenidae, Mithracidae, and Porcellanidae. Each species has unique behaviors and requirements, so it's essential to research their specific needs before adding them to your tank.
Crabs play a crucial role in the aquarium ecosystem by helping to keep the tank clean. Many species are scavengers, feeding on detritus, algae, and leftover food, which helps to maintain water quality. However, it's important to note that some crabs can be aggressive or predatory, potentially harming other tank inhabitants such as fish, corals, or smaller invertebrates. Therefore, compatibility with existing tank mates should be carefully considered.
When keeping crabs, providing adequate hiding spots and a suitable environment is essential. Additionally, crabs often molt, shedding their exoskeleton to grow. During this time, they are vulnerable, and it's crucial to ensure they have safe places to hide. Overall, crabs can be a rewarding addition to a saltwater aquarium, offering both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits.
- Common name: Orangutan CrabScientific name: Achaeus japonicus
- Common name: Elegant Crinoid Squat LobsterScientific name: Allogalathea elegans
- Common name: Red-leg Hermit CrabScientific name: Calcinus californiensis
- Common name: Electric Blue Hermit CrabScientific name: Calcinus elegans
- Common name: Left-handed Hermit CrabScientific name: Calcinus laevimanus
- Common name: Orangeclaw Hermit CrabScientific name: Calcinus tibicen
- Common name: Decorator CrabScientific name: Camposcia retusa
- Common name: Convex Reef CrabScientific name: Carpilius convexus
- Common name: Seven-eleven CrabScientific name: Carpilius maculatus
- Common name: Squat LobsterScientific name: Chirostylus dolichopus
- Common name: Halloween Hermit CrabScientific name: Ciliopagurus strigatus
- Common name: Dwarf Red Tip Hermit CrabScientific name: Clibanarius digueti
- Common name: Orange-red Hermit CrabScientific name: Clibanarius rutilus
- Common name: Blue-legged Hermit CrabScientific name: Clibanarius tricolor
- Common name: Corallimorph Decorator CrabScientific name: Cyclocoeloma tuberculatum
- Common name: Blue Knee Hermit CrabScientific name: Dardanus guttatus
- Common name: Dark Knee Hermit CrabScientific name: Dardanus lagopodes
- Common name: White-spotted Hermit CrabScientific name: Dardanus megistos
- Common name: Anemone Hermit CrabScientific name: Dardanus pedunculatus
- Common name: Calico Box CrabScientific name: Hepatus epheliticus
- Common name: Soft Coral CrabScientific name: Hoplophrys oatesii
- Common name: Leach's Spider CrabScientific name: Inachus phalangium
- Common name: Banded Arrow CrabScientific name: Latreillia valida
- Common name: Hairy Squat LobsterScientific name: Lauriea siagiani
- Common name: Atlantic Horseshoe CrabScientific name: Limulus polyphemus
- Common name: Harlequin Swimming CrabScientific name: Lissocarcinus laevis
- Common name: Sea Cucumber Swimming CrabScientific name: Lissocarcinus orbicularis
- Common name: Pom-pom CrabScientific name: Lybia tessellata
- Common name: Nodose Clinging CrabScientific name: Mithraculus coryphe
- Common name: Emerald CrabScientific name: Mithraculus sculptus
- Common name: Bull Hydroid CrabScientific name: Naxioides taurus
- Common name: Spotted Porcelain CrabScientific name: Neopetrolisthes maculates
- Common name: Red Reef Hermit CrabScientific name: Paguristes cadenati
- Common name: Common Hermit CrabScientific name: Pagurus bernhardus
- Common name: Sally Lightfoot CrabScientific name: Percnon gibbesi
- Common name: Flat Rock CrabScientific name: Percnon planissimum
- Common name: Banded Porcelain CrabScientific name: Petrolisthes galathinus
- Common name: Red-stripe Hermit CrabScientific name: Phimochirus holthuisi
- Common name: Polkadotted HermitScientific name: Phimochirus operculatus
- Common name: Bristly CrabScientific name: Pilumnus hirtellus
- Common name: Haig's Porcelain CrabScientific name: Porcellanella haigae
- Common name: Three-lobed Porcelain CrabScientific name: Porcellanella triloba
- Common name: Common Decorator CrabScientific name: Schizophrys aspera
- Common name: Arrow CrabScientific name: Stenorhynchus lanceolatus
- Common name: Yellowline Arrow CrabScientific name: Stenorhynchus seticornis
- Common name: Bird's Nest Coral CrabScientific name: Trapezia guttata
- Common name: Red-spotted Coral CrabScientific name: Trapezia rufopunctata
- Common name: Red-spotted Guard CrabScientific name: Trapezia tigrina
- Common name: Conical Spider CrabScientific name: Xenocarcinus conicus
- Common name: Wire Coral CrabScientific name: Xenocarcinus tuberculatus
- Common name: Zebra Urchin CrabScientific name: Zebrida adamsii