Shrimps are a fascinating and diverse group of invertebrates that make excellent additions to a saltwater aquarium. Known for their vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and interesting behaviors, shrimps not only add aesthetic value to your tank but also contribute to its overall health by performing essential cleaning tasks.
One of the most popular types of shrimp in the reefkeeping hobby is the Lysmata amboinensis, which is renowned for its symbiotic relationship with fish, cleaning them of parasites and dead tissue. Another favorite is the Lysmata wurdemanni, often used for its ability to control pest anemones like Aiptasia. Additionally, the Hymenocera picta is admired for its striking appearance, although it has specialized feeding requirements, primarily preying on starfish.
Shrimps are generally hardy and can adapt to a range of water conditions, but they do require stable parameters and a well-established tank to thrive. They are also sensitive to copper-based medications, so it's crucial to avoid using such treatments in a tank housing shrimps. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced aquarist, shrimps offer both beauty and functionality, making them a valuable addition to any marine aquarium.
- Common name: brown snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus armatus
- Common name: Beautiful goby shrimpScientific name: Alpheus bellulus
- Common name: red snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus bisincisus
- Common name: Djeddah snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus djeddensis
- Common name: Immaculate Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus immaculatus
- Common name: fine-striped snapping shrimpScientific name: Alpheus ochrostriatus
- Common name: Pacific Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus pacificus
- Common name: Randall's Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus randalli
- Common name: Red-spotted Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus rubromaculatus
- Common name: Twin Snapping ShrimpScientific name: Alpheus soror
- Common name: Holthuis' ShrimpScientific name: Ancylomenes holthuisi
- Common name: Sarasvati Anemone ShrimpScientific name: Ancylomenes sarasvati
- Common name: Henderson's hinge-beak shrimpScientific name: Cinetorhynchus hendersoni
- Common name: Manning hingebeakScientific name: Cinetorhynchus manningi
- Common name: reticulated hingebeakScientific name: Cinetorhynchus reticulatus
- Common name: Horned Sea Pen ShrimpScientific name: Dasycaris ceratops
- Common name: Zanzibar Whip Coral ShrimpScientific name: Dasycaris zanzibarica
- Common name: Striped Bumblebee ShrimpScientific name: Gnathophyllum americanum
- Common name: Peacock Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Gonodactylus chiragra
- Common name: Peacock Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Gonodactylus smithii
- Common name: coral shrimpScientific name: Hamodactylus boschmai
- Common name: Sexy ShrimpScientific name: Hamodactylus noumeae
- Common name: Mushroom coral shrimpScientific name: Hamopontonia corallicola
- Common name: Peacock Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Haptosquilla pulchella
- Common name: Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Hemisquilla ensigera
- Common name: harlequin shrimpScientific name: Hymenocera picta
- Common name: Variable crinoid shrimpScientific name: Laomenes ceratophthalmus
- Common name: Harlequin ShrimpScientific name: Laomenes cornutus
- Common name: Plume shrimpScientific name: Leander plumosus
- Common name: golden mantis shrimpScientific name: Lysiosquilla tredecimdentata
- Common name: Skunk Cleaner ShrimpScientific name: Lysmata amboinensis
- Common name: Anker's Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Lysmata ankeri
- Common name: Peppermint ShrimpScientific name: Lysmata bahia
- Common name: Peppermint ShrimpScientific name: Lysmata boggessi
- Common name: lined shrimpScientific name: Lysmata californica
- Common name: scarlet cleaner shrimpScientific name: Lysmata debelius
- Common name: cleaner shrimpScientific name: Lysmata grabhami
- Common name: peppermint shrimpScientific name: Lysmata wurdemanni
- Common name: Dragon shrimpScientific name: Miropandalus hardingi
- Common name: Mysis ShrimpScientific name: Mysis relicta
- Common name: Smashing Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Neogonodactylus bredini
- Common name: An opossum shrimpScientific name: Neomysis integer
- Common name: pink tail mantis shrimpScientific name: Odontodactylus latirostris
- Common name: Peacock Mantis ShrimpScientific name: Odontodactylus scyllarus
- Common name: sugarcane shrimpScientific name: Parhippolyte uveae
- Common name: sculptured mitten lobsterScientific name: Parribacus antarcticus
- Common name: ambon crinoid shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes amboinensis
- Common name: pacific clown anemone shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes brevicarpalis
- Common name: Brock's Anemone ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes brockii
- Common name: Coleman ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes colemani
- Common name: hydroid shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes galene
- Common name: Holthuis' ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes holthuisi
- Common name: emperor shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes imperator
- Common name: Koror Anemone ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes kororensis
- Common name: Harlequin ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes lanipes
- Common name: Long-arm Cleaner ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes longicarpus
- Common name: Magnificent ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes magnificus
- Common name: Pederson cleaner shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes pedersoni
- Common name: translucent gorgonian shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes psamathe
- Common name: Emperor ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes rex
- Common name: Sea Star ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes soror
- Common name: Glass shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes tenuipes
- Common name: Glass Anemone ShrimpScientific name: Periclimenes tenuis
- Common name: Periclimenes sarasvatiScientific name: Periclimenes tosaensis
- Common name: graceful anemone shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes venustus
- Common name: spotted cleaner shrimpScientific name: Periclimenes yucatanicus
- Common name: Gulf flashlightfishScientific name: Phthanophaneron harveyi
- Common name: bongo shrimpScientific name: Phyllognathia ceratophthalma
- Common name: Pliopontonia furtivaScientific name: Pliopontonia furtiva
- Common name: wire coral shrimpScientific name: Pontonides unciger
- Common name: common mantis shrimpScientific name: Pseudosquilla ciliata
- Common name: Durban Hinge-Beak ShrimpScientific name: Rhynchocinetes durbanensis
- Common name: Red Camel ShrimpScientific name: Rhynchocinetes uritai
- Common name: Hairy Urchin ShrimpScientific name: Sandimenes hirsutus
- Common name: Marbled ShrimpScientific name: Saron marmoratus
- Common name: Eyespot ShrimpScientific name: Saron neglectus
- Common name: Shorttailed snake morayScientific name: Scuticaria okinawae
- Common name: Faxonia ShrimpScientific name: Solenocera faxoni
- Common name: Sea GrasshopperScientific name: Squilla mantis
- Common name: whitestripe urchin shrimpScientific name: Stegopontonia commensalis
- Common name: Blue-legged Coral Banded ShrimpScientific name: Stenopus cyanoscelis
- Common name: banded coral shrimpScientific name: Stenopus hispidus
- Common name: Flameback Coral ShrimpScientific name: Stenopus pyrsonotus
- Common name: Blue Boxing ShrimpScientific name: Stenopus tenuirostris
- Common name: Zanzibar Whip Coral ShrimpScientific name: Stenopus zanzibaricus
- Common name: Carinate Snapping ShrimpScientific name: Synalpheus carinatus
- Common name: Modest Snapping ShrimpScientific name: Synalpheus demani
- Common name: Stimpson's Pistol ShrimpScientific name: Synalpheus stimpsonii
- Common name: squat anemone shrimpScientific name: Thor amboinensis
- Common name: Banded Tozeuma ShrimpScientific name: Tozeuma armatum
- Common name: clear cleaner shrimpScientific name: Urocaridella antonbrunii
- Common name: Bubble Coral ShrimpScientific name: Vir philippinensis