LPS Corals

126 species

LPS (Large Polyp Stony) corals are a popular choice among reef aquarium enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors, unique shapes, and relatively easier care requirements compared to SPS (Small Polyp Stony) corals. LPS corals have large, fleshy polyps that can be quite striking and add a dynamic visual appeal to any reef tank. They are generally more tolerant of varying water conditions, making them a suitable option for both beginner and experienced aquarists.

Some well-known species of LPS corals include the Acanthastrea, Euphyllia (such as Hammer, Torch, and Frogspawn corals), and Trachyphyllia. These corals often exhibit symbiotic relationships with zooxanthellae algae, which live within their tissues and provide them with energy through photosynthesis. This relationship means that LPS corals require moderate to high lighting conditions to thrive.

In terms of water parameters, LPS corals prefer stable conditions. They also benefit from regular feeding of meaty foods such as brine shrimp or specialized coral foods, which can promote growth and enhance coloration.

One important consideration when keeping LPS corals is their placement in the aquarium. Due to their large, fleshy polyps, they can be more susceptible to damage from strong water flow or aggressive tank mates. It is also crucial to provide adequate space between LPS corals and other corals, as some species can extend long sweeper tentacles that may sting and damage neighboring corals.

Overall, LPS corals are a captivating addition to any reef tank, offering a blend of beauty and relatively manageable care requirements. Their diverse forms and colors can create a stunning underwater landscape, making them a favorite among coral enthusiasts.

  1. Macro photography of Acanthastrea echinata coral in reef aquarium
    Common name: Starry Cup Coral
    Scientific name: Acanthastrea echinata
  2. Common name: Acan Coral
    Scientific name: Acanthastrea hemprichii
  3. Branching flower pot coral, Porenkoralle (Alveopora catalai)
    Common name: Net coral
    Scientific name: Alveopora catalai
  4. Nahaufnahme von Alveopora gigas im Meerwasseraquarium
    Common name: Alveopora Coral
    Scientific name: Alveopora gigas
  5. Green euphyllia lps coral in reef aquarium tank
    Common name: Branching Frogspawn Coral
    Scientific name: Australogyra zelli
  6. Low light picture of blastomussa merleti  coral in green and purple close up macro - selective focus on one polyp and selective blur
    Common name: Branched cup coral
    Scientific name: Blastomussa merleti
  7. Big Polyp Blastomussa LPS Coral - (Blastomussa wellsi)
    Common name: Branched cup coral
    Scientific name: Blastomussa wellsi
  8. Jebb's Mushroom Coral (Cantharellus jebbi)
    Common name: Jebb's Mushroom Coral
    Scientific name: Cantharellus jebbi
  9. Cup corals, Runde Nelkenkoralle (Caryophyllia inornata)
    Common name: carnation coral
    Scientific name: Caryophyllia inornata
  10. Carnation coral, Ovale Nelkenkoralle (Caryophyllia smithii)
    Common name: Devonshire cup-coral
    Scientific name: Caryophyllia smithii
  11. Blue tip Elegance LPS coral - Catalaphyllia Jardinei
    Common name: Elegance coral
    Scientific name: Catalaphyllia jardinei
  12. Candy cane LPS coral - Caulastrea furcata
    Common name: Candy Cane Coral
    Scientific name: Caulastraea connata
  13. Caulastrea echinulata im Aquarium
    Common name: Finger coral
    Scientific name: Caulastraea echinulata
  14. Candy cane LPS coral - Caulastrea sp.
    Common name: Finger coral
    Scientific name: Caulastraea furcata
  15. Acropora millepora colorful sps coral on black background
    Common name: Finger coral
    Scientific name: Caulastraea tumida
  16. Trumpet Coral (Caulastrea curvata) in aa reef aquarium (LPS coral)
    Common name: Finger coral
    Scientific name: Caulastrea curvata
  17. Purple tube sponges in the Caribbean Sea
    Common name: tube coral
    Scientific name: Cladocora arbuscula
  18. Caribbean coral reef
    Common name: large-grooved brain coral
    Scientific name: Colpophyllia natans
  19. Common name: Wrinkle coral
    Scientific name: Coscinaraea crassa
  20. Common name: Chagos Brain Coral
    Scientific name: Ctenella chagius
  21. Cynarina Button, Doughnut, Flat Brain Coral in Aquarium
    Common name: Button Coral
    Scientific name: Cynarina lacrymalis
  22. Pillar coral ,Dendrogyra cylindrus,a hard coral,order Scleractinia
    Common name: pillar coral
    Scientific name: Dendrogyra cylindrus
  23. Elliptical Star Coral (Dichocoenia stokesi), the Caribbean Island of Bonaire
    Common name: domed star coral
    Scientific name: Dichocoenia stokesi
  24. Blumen-Sternkoralle (Diploastrea heliopora)
    Common name: Honeycomb coral
    Scientific name: Diploastrea heliopora
  25. Coral reef
    Common name: grooved brain coral
    Scientific name: Diploria labyrinthiformis
  26. Common name: Moon Coral
    Scientific name: Dipsastraea faviaformis
  27. Big Green polyps of Duncan LPS coral - duncanopsammia axifuga
    Common name: Branched disc coral
    Scientific name: Duncanopsammia axifuga
  28. Coral colonies Mycedium, Lettuce Coral. High-angle shot, background
    Common name: Flat lettuce coral
    Scientific name: Echinophyllia aspera
  29. Halloween Screamer Chalice coral in macro shot ( Echinophyllia sp. )
    Common name: Flat lettuce coral
    Scientific name: Echinophyllia nishihirai
  30. Underwater coral reef scroll coral
    Common name: Scroll Coral
    Scientific name: Erythrastrea flabellata
  31. Coral Euphyllia  ancora
    Common name: Anchor coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia ancora
  32. Frogspawn Coral, Thin Branched
(Euphyllia divisa
    Common name: bubble coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia divisa
  33. Euphyllia glabrescens Koralle Meerwasser
    Common name: Torch coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia glabrescens
  34. Euphyllia paraancora - Branched hammer LPS coral
    Common name: Hammer Coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia paraancora
  35. Euphyllia paradivisa purple close up shot
    Common name: Frogspawn Coral
    Scientific name: Euphyllia paradivisa
  36. Frogspawn Coral (Euphyllia yaeyamaensis)
    Common name: Euphyllia Yaeyamaensis
    Scientific name: Euphyllia yaeyamaensis
  37. Smooth Flower Coral (Eusmilia fastigiata)
    Common name: smooth flower coral
    Scientific name: Eusmilia fastigiata
  38. Stony coral Knob coral (Goniastrea stelligera. Previously called Favia stelligera) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia danae
  39. Favia favus coral
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia favus
  40. Stony coral Knob coral (Goniastrea stelligera. Previously called Favia stelligera) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia helianthoides
  41. Stony coral Knob coral (Goniastrea stelligera. Previously called Favia stelligera) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia lizardensis
  42. Stony coral Knob coral (Goniastrea stelligera. Previously called Favia stelligera) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia marshae
  43. Coral dragon soul favia. Coral in aquarium.
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia rosaria
  44. Coral dragon soul favia. Coral in aquarium.
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia rotumana
  45. Okinawa,Japan - November 2, 2021: Closeup of Favia speciosa or Dipsastraea speciosa at Shimojishima island, Okinawa, Japan
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia speciosa
  46. Stony coral Knob coral (Goniastrea stelligera. Previously called Favia stelligera) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia stelligera
  47. Knob coral (Favites rotundata), undersea macro photography
    Common name: Knob coral
    Scientific name: Favia veroni
  48. Colorful coral reef at the bottom of tropical sea, great Favites abdita coral, underwater landscape
    Common name: Larger star coral
    Scientific name: Favites abdita
  49. Hirnkoralle
    Common name: Honeycomb Coral
    Scientific name: Favites acuticollis
  50. Larger star coral (Paramontastraea peresi) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Larger star coral
    Scientific name: Favites chinensis
  51. Organic texture of the mountain hard coral  - Porites Lutea.  Abstract background in trendy coral color .
    Common name: Larger star coral
    Scientific name: Favites complanata
  52. Beautiful photo of Coral colony of scientific name Favites abdita, taken underwater while scuba diving in deep ocean. This colorful life form in marine ecosystem is suffering due to global warming.
    Common name: Larger star coral
    Scientific name: Favites flexuosa
  53. Larger star coral (Paramontastraea peresi) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Larger star coral
    Scientific name: Favites pentagona
  54. Favia laxa EG-37
    Common name: Honeycomb Coral
    Scientific name: Favites vasta
  55. Ricordea florida Coral
    Common name: mushroom coral
    Scientific name: Fungia concinna
  56. A common mushroom coral (Fungia fungites), at night in the rubble on Kawe Island, Raja Ampat
    Common name: mushroom coral
    Scientific name: Fungia fungites
  57. Ricordea florida Coral
    Common name: mushroom coral
    Scientific name: Fungia hexagonalis
  58. Ricordea florida Coral
    Common name: mushroom coral
    Scientific name: Fungia horrida
  59. Ricordea florida Coral
    Common name: mushroom coral
    Scientific name: Fungia paumotensis
  60. Plate Coral, Short Tentacle (Fungia repanda)
    Common name: mushroom coral
    Scientific name: Fungia repanda
  61. Metalic Long Polyp Galaxea Coral - (Galaxea astreata)
    Common name: Octopus coral
    Scientific name: Galaxea astreata
  62. Galaxea fascicularis EG-25
    Common name: Octopus coral
    Scientific name: Galaxea fascicularis
  63. Lesser star coral or Brain coral  (Goniastrea edwardsi) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Lesser star coral
    Scientific name: Goniastrea aspera
  64. Lesser star coral or Brain coral  (Goniastrea edwardsi) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Lesser star coral
    Scientific name: Goniastrea palauensis
  65. Lesser star coral or Brain coral  (Goniastrea edwardsi) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Lesser star coral
    Scientific name: Goniastrea pectinata
  66. Lesser star coral or Brain coral  (Goniastrea edwardsi) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Lesser star coral
    Scientific name: Goniastrea retiformis
  67. Goniopora columna Coral Colony in Red Sea
    Common name: Anemone coral
    Scientific name: Goniopora columna
  68. coral
    Common name: Anemone coral
    Scientific name: Goniopora djiboutiensis
  69. Yellowback fusiliers (Caesio xanthonotus) swimming over Goniopora coral (Goniopora lobata), Lhaviyani Atoll, Maldives, Asia
    Common name: Anemone coral
    Scientific name: Goniopora lobata
  70. fish in aquarium HD 8K wallpaper Stock Photographic Image
    Common name: Anemone coral
    Scientific name: Goniopora minor
  71. fish in aquarium HD 8K wallpaper Stock Photographic Image
    Common name: Anemone coral
    Scientific name: Goniopora pandoraensis
  72. fish in aquarium HD 8K wallpaper Stock Photographic Image
    Common name: Anemone coral
    Scientific name: Goniopora stokesi
  73. Green Goniopora, the Flower Pot LPS coral
    Common name: Anemone coral
    Scientific name: Goniopora tenuidens
  74. Common name: Interrupted Brain Coral
    Scientific name: Gyrosmilia interrupta
  75. Common name: Bowl coral
    Scientific name: Halomitra clavator
  76. The popcorn shrimp (Periclimenes kororensis) in fungid coral (Heliofungia actiniformis) (mushroom coral), Celebes Sea, Sabah, Malaysia
    Common name: Long Tentacle Plate Coral
    Scientific name: Heliofungia actiniformis
  77.  Tongue coral or Slipper coral. Science name: Herpolitha climax. Ie Island,
    Common name: Striate boomerang coral
    Scientific name: Herpolitha limax
  78. Heteropsammia cochlea
    Common name: Smooth bum coral
    Scientific name: Heteropsammia cochlea
  79. Common name: Crust coral
    Scientific name: Leptastrea bottae
  80. Mushroom Coral (Lobactis scutaria), Arborek Island, Raja Ampat, Indonesia
    Common name: Mushroom Coral
    Scientific name: Lobactis scutaria
  81. Rosenkoralle - Lobophyllia corymbosa
    Common name: Brain coral
    Scientific name: Lobophyllia corymbosa
  82. marine LPS coral Trachyphyllia, Lobophyllia macro photo, selective focus
    Common name: Lobed cactus coral
    Scientific name: Lobophyllia flabelliformis
  83. The fluffy tufts and white dot on the lobe of Astrophytum myriostigma Cactus
    Common name: Lobed cactus coral
    Scientific name: Lobophyllia hataii
  84. large manicina areolata thailand
    Common name: rose coral
    Scientific name: Manicina areolata
  85. Common name: Large Burrowing Sea Cucumber
    Scientific name: Massinium magnum
  86. Common name: brazilian rose coral
    Scientific name: Meandrina braziliensis
  87. Maze Coral on Caribbean Coral Reef
    Common name: brazilian rose coral
    Scientific name: Meandrina meandrites
  88. Common name: Sarasin's Pincushion Coral
    Scientific name: Melophlus sarasinorum
  89. Acan Coral (Micromussa sp.)
    Common name: Acan Coral
    Scientific name: Micromussa amakusensis
  90. Rainbow Acan Lord (Micromussa lordhowensis) polyp close-up
    Common name: Acan Lord
    Scientific name: Micromussa lordhowensis
  91. Montastraea cavernosa, the great star coral,
    Common name: great star coral
    Scientific name: Montastraea cavernosa
  92. Great star coral or false knob coral, large-cupped boulder coral (Montastraea cavernosa) undersea, Caribbean Sea, Cuba, Playa Cueva de los peces
    Common name: False knob coral
    Scientific name: Montastraea curta
  93. Giant Star Coral(Montastrea cavernosa) Mound
    Common name: Giant star coral
    Scientific name: Moseleya latistellata
  94. closeup of large flower coral, stony coral specie from the caribbean sea, marine life background
    Common name: large flower coral
    Scientific name: Mussa angulosa
  95. Organic texture of the Elephant Ear coral. Abstract green background .
    Common name: Chinese lettuce coral
    Scientific name: Mycedium elephantotus
  96. Fox coral (Nemenzophyllia turbida)
    Common name: Fox Coral
    Scientific name: Nemenzophyllia turbida
  97. Common name: Zebra coral
    Scientific name: Oulastrea crispata
  98. Common name: Intermediate valley coral
    Scientific name: Oulophyllia bennettae
  99. Common name: Porous lettuce coral
    Scientific name: Oxypora lacera
  100. Coral colonies Mycedium, Lettuce Coral. High-angle shot, background
    Common name: Common lettuce coral
    Scientific name: Pectinia lactuca
  101. A close-up of Lichtenstein's bubble coral (Physogyra lichtensteini).
    Common name: Tipped bubblegum coral
    Scientific name: Physogyra lichtensteini
  102. Platygyra Daedalea - Hard coral - Stony coral - Brain coral
    Common name: Lesser valley coral
    Scientific name: Platygyra daedalea
  103. Lesser valley coral or hard brain coral (Platygyra lamellina) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Lesser valley coral
    Scientific name: Platygyra lamellina
  104. Bubble Coral (Plerogyra sinuosa), Lembeh, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Asia
    Common name: Bubble Coral
    Scientific name: Plerogyra sinuosa
  105. Small knob coral (Plesiastrea versipora) and cauliflower coral, rasp coral, or knob-horned coral (Pocillopora verrucosa) undersea, Red Sea, Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh, Nabq Bay
    Common name: Plesiastrea Coral
    Scientific name: Plesiastrea devantieri
  106. Common name: Bracket coral
    Scientific name: Podabacia crustacea
  107. Polyphyllia talpina, Tongue coral, slipper coral.A large brown polyp with green tentacles. Hard coral.
    Common name: Joker's boomerang coral
    Scientific name: Polyphyllia talpina
  108. Common name: Phoenix Worm Snail
    Scientific name: Rhipocephalus phoenix
  109. Common name: Rhizotrochus Coral
    Scientific name: Rhizotrochus typus
  110. Common name: Sandalolitha africana
    Scientific name: Sandalolitha africana
  111. Common name: Columniform crust coral
    Scientific name: Scapophyllia cylindrica
  112. Scolymia australis
    Common name: Scolymia australis
    Scientific name: Scolymia australis
  113. Polyp Button Coral in Aquarium
    Common name: Scolymia vitiensis
    Scientific name: Scolymia vitiensis
  114. A Red Sea Star (Callopatiria granifera) on the reef underwater with a knobbly yellow-pink body and six arms
    Common name: knobby star coral
    Scientific name: Solenastrea hyades
  115. Symphyllia Brain LPS Coral (Symphyllia agaricia)
    Common name: Sinuous cup coral
    Scientific name: Symphyllia agaricia
  116. Symphyllia Brain LPS Coral (Symphyllia agaricia)
    Common name: Sinuous cup coral
    Scientific name: Symphyllia radians
  117. Symphyllia Recta - Symphyllia - Symphyllia hemispherica
    Common name: Sinuous cup coral
    Scientific name: Symphyllia recta
  118. Trachyphyllia geoffroyi EG-39
    Common name: Banana coral
    Scientific name: Trachyphyllia geoffroyi
  119. Orange Sun Coral - Tubastraea Faulkneri (Dendrophylliidae) daytime version
    Common name: Sun Coral
    Scientific name: Tubastraea faulkneri
  120. Schwarze Kelchkoralle - Tubastraea micranthus
    Common name: Black Sun Coral
    Scientific name: Tubastraea micranthus